Parallel trace-fitting software for DDAS
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Namespacing for DDASToys #22

Open aschester opened 4 days ago

aschester commented 4 days ago

Should throw everything into a consistent ddastoys:: namespace for this project rather than have parts in DAQ::DDAS (a namespace "stolen" from NSCLDAQ even though this is an independent projet) and parts in DDAS::

aschester commented 4 days ago

The general principle: stuff built into libraries the user may incorporate into their own code should be namespaced.

ddastoys:: - top level namespace, the namespace for the library built by the EventEditor, the event editors themselves and common code such as the configuration class. ddastoys::[fit_type] - analyticfit, templatefit, mlinference for various editor types functions, utilities, fitting code, etc. E.g., avoids collisions between various lmfits.