ReadoutGUI maintains a directory structure for its event files which includes a current directory that, while a recorded run is active, holds links to the event files being built up in experiment/runn.
At the end of a recorded run, those links are removed, however there is no error message if that fails. Specifically in main/daq/readoutgui/eventlogbundle.tcl, Eventlog::FinalizeRun the code that does that is:
# Remove any links to event files in the srcdir
set fileBaseName [::ExpFileSystem::genEventfileBasename $run]
set eventFiles [glob -nocomplain [file join $srcdir ${fileBaseName}*.evt]]
foreach file $eventFiles {
catch {file delete -force $file}
where there's nothing done if the catch reports an error. At the very least a message should be logged to the output window and maybe after collecting all failures a tk_messageBox should call attentinon to this.
ReadoutGUI maintains a directory structure for its event files which includes a current directory that, while a recorded run is active, holds links to the event files being built up in experiment/runn.
At the end of a recorded run, those links are removed, however there is no error message if that fails. Specifically in main/daq/readoutgui/eventlogbundle.tcl, Eventlog::FinalizeRun the code that does that is:
where there's nothing done if the catch reports an error. At the very least a message should be logged to the output window and maybe after collecting all failures a tk_messageBox should call attentinon to this.