FROG3160 / 2022-rapid-react

Team 3160 (F.R.O.G.) code for 2022 FRC Rapid React
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Research/Write code that will generate and follow trajectories #33

Closed celttechie closed 1 year ago

celttechie commented 2 years ago

Add methods to the SwerveChassis to specify a heading to rotate to.

celttechie commented 2 years ago

Let's talk about this one tonight... I think we'll want to change how we think about accomplishing this and making the robot more "capable" in the meantime. Specifically, I want to discuss utilizing trajectories to do this, and also give us more possibilities for automatically controlling the "pose" of the robot. See documentation here:

celttechie commented 2 years ago

Here is the WPILIB documentation to show how this all goes together:

celttechie commented 2 years ago

@Joseph3160 I confirmed that you are right, the Ramsete Controller gives ChassisSpeeds objects with a 0 Y component and only really works for tank drives that can't move sideways. There is this:, but I'm not sure how it'll work with our closed-loop PID swerve modules. It might be something to try, though.

celttechie commented 2 years ago

This is what we'll want to use instead of a Ramsete Controller:

The steps are:

  1. Create a TrajectoryConfig
  2. Generate a trajectory
  3. Create a swerve controller with HolonomicDriveController

Then we need a way to execute the following in a loop:

  1. Get a sample from the trajectory sample() method.
  2. Pass the sample to the swerve controller calculate() method
  3. Give the resulting ChassisSpeeds to the Swerve Chassis

A basic example is here, where the setup is done in robotInit and the trajectory is followed in the AutonomousPeriodic loop: