FS-AI / FS-AI_Compute

Contains information for the IMechE FS-AI ADS-DV relating to the compute and sensing hardware on the shared vehicles.
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FS-AI ADS-DV AI Base Compute and Sensors hardware information #1

Open IanMurphy-Rockfort opened 4 years ago

IanMurphy-Rockfort commented 4 years ago

FS-AI ADS-DV AI Base Compute and Sensors hardware information

Questions have been received regarding the specifications for the IMechE FS-AI ADS-DV AI Compute and Sensors hardware. This Issue has been opened to provide a discussion forum to clarify this information.

Teams entering the 2020 IMechE Formula Student AI competition in the DDT class using a shared vehicle should be aware of the following information.

It is planned for there to be 2 IMechE ADS-DVs available, shared as equally as feasible between the DDT shared vehicle entrants. These vehicles will be as identical as feasible and as standard will be equipped with the following base compute platform and sensors:

InCarPC CQ67G Vehicle PC Base Platform

Intel Core i7-6700TE up to 3.4GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti GPU 16GB RAM SATA 2.5" Caddy (see note below on OS) Internal GPS module with Ublox6 chipset occupying Mini PCIe slot Internal 2.4 & 5 GHz 802.11ac WLAN & Bluetooth v4.0 module occupying Mini PCIe slot Internal dual channel galvanically isolated CAN interface occupying Mini PCIe slot

Stereolabs 'ZED' Camera

https://www.stereolabs.com/zed/ Mounted approx. 750mm above ground level, approx. 1300mm rearward of the nose of the vehicle. Connected to a powered USB3.0 hub and the hub is connected to a USB3.0 port of the CQ67G Vehicle PC.


https://www.peak-system.com/PCAN-GPS.378.0.html?&L=1# Mounted approx. at the plan view centre of gravity of the vehicle, although at a higher height than the true CoG. The raw GPS and IMU sensor data from this unit is made available over CAN bus. However, the primary purpose of the PCAN-GPS is to provide data for the judging / scrutineering datalogger. It is not possible to give any assurance of the quality and accuracy of the data from the PCAN-GPS.

ADS-DV Internal Sensor Feedback

The ADS-DV will transmit data over CAN bus from its internal sensors: Steering angle (measured position) 4x Wheel speeds 4x Wheel encoder counts

Operating System

The CQ67G Vehicle PC Base Platform will not have any specific OS installed. Each Team must provide a 2.5" SATA SSD with their specific OS and software installed. These SSDs will be fitted to a compatible Caddy which will be placed in the CQ67G Vehicle PC Base Platform by Event Officials prior to each Team's competition runs. Teams are responsible for maintaining, setting up and testing their own SSD(s) as required. This includes ensuring compatibility with the CQ67G Vehicle PC Base Platform hardware (i.e. OS driver compatibility).

Additional Sensors

Teams wishing to use additional sensors on the shared vehicles should be aware of the following:


Please comment on this issue to ask questions. This is a shared resource for the benefit of all involved with Formula Student AI. Questions asked privately though other channels may either be ignored or re-posted here.

ivanfursa commented 3 years ago

Hi Ian!

How should the teams interface with the OS and software that we upload to the ADS-DV? Can we plug in a monitor and the keyboard/mouse? Or will there be some wireless connection available?

As soon as we insert our SSD we would definitely need to start up the system and prepare it to use the autonomous driving stack. Also, when something goes wrong with the installation of our software, we would need to know what the issues are


IanMurphy-Rockfort commented 3 years ago

Yes, you can plug in a monitor / keyboard / mouse. Or you can plug in an Ethernet cable and use SSH or RDP. Or you can set up a wifi network and SSH / RDP over wifi. You could use a router or set up the InCarPC as the access point.

Just configure your SSD as you prefer.

Note that wifi access to the vehicle is not allowed during the dynamic event itself. There will be a 'preparation' area for you to use when inserting your disk and starting the software. Once you leave that area to start the dynamic event you are not allowed to interact with the software any further and any laptops may be requested to be closed. See rules D2.2.8 & D2.6.1 here: https://www.imeche.org/docs/default-source/1-oscar/formula-student/2021/forms/ai/fs-2021-autonomous-rules-v1-3.pdf

SeanWilliams-Teesside commented 2 years ago

Hi Ian, The ZED camera appears to be difficult to source, StereoLabs website even shows item out of stock. ZED2 and ZED2i are more readily available and it seems likely we will purchase ZED2 if further search for ZED draws a blank. I wonder if you are aware if other teams are experiencing similar problems and if you consider ZED2 a suitable alterative (is it required to declare ZED2 as different sensor from IMechE DDT DV spec?) Thanks

Post note: StereoLab have just confirmed via email (available on request) ZED 1 is end of life and they will not be manufacturing or supplying it anymore.

ianrmurphy commented 2 years ago

Hi Sean, I believe at least one other team has used the ZED2 camera. Note that the ADS-DV will continue to have the ZED fitted as standard. So if you wish to use a ZED2 you have 2 options: 1) Ensure your software is backward compatible with the ZED and use the camera already fitted to the ADS-DV. 2) Design a mount for the ZED2 and fit your camera to the vehicle in addition to the ZED. Thanks, Ian

SeanWilliams-Teesside commented 2 years ago

Hi Ian, Thanks for reply. We also had in mind your second option, attach ZED2 on ADS-DV additional sensor mounting plate. Man thanks Sean

nihadjifrikonathputhiyamaliyakkal commented 1 year ago

Hi lan,

I'd like to confirm that the InCarPC CQ67G and given sensors for ADS-DV are still applicable for 2023. Additionally, wanted to know if the car would have lidar because I saw one (Velodyne Lidar) in a few pictures, or if we should add them separately.

Thank you!

ianrmurphy commented 1 year ago

Hi, The InCarPC should remain the same for 2023. If you saw a LIDAR in a photo, that would have been added as an additional sensor by a team. The only sensor fitted as standard is the Zed camera. Full details are in the rules on the IMechE website. These will receive an update for 2023, so you'll need to check them once they are formally released. Thanks, Ian

nihadjifrikonathputhiyamaliyakkal commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick replay lan!

RoniEmad commented 1 year ago

Hi Ian,

I would like to confirm if we can use roscan interface on the inCarPC, will we need to provide an extension DE9 cable ? or the existing configuration is enough ?

Also, We haven't received any approval/rejection on our additional sensors's kit till now, is there a possibility that the kit will not be approved in the competition ?

Thank you!

IanMurphy-StreetDrone commented 1 year ago

Hi Roni,

Assuming the source of your control CAN messages is the InCarPC, then no additional wiring is necessary.

The InCarPC has physical interface 'can0' connected to the base vehicle as standard. Any CAN library that can access 'can0' (e.g. SocketCAN or any interface placed on top of SocketCAN) will not need any additional wiring.

Should you wish to use a CAN device other than the InCarPC, it will need to connect to the 2nd CAN connector available at the additional sensors installation. The 2nd CAN connector connects to 'can1' of the InCarPC.

Ref. sensors approval prior to scrutineering at competition, this is dependent upon voluntary resource being available to review submissions.

During scrutineering the following will be checked:

All these criteria, and means of compliance, are clearly specified in the CAD repository https://github.com/FS-AI/FS-AI_ADS-DV_CAD

Thanks, Ian

RoniEmad commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reply, I appreciate it.

Okay, I understand now the CAN question.

Regarding the additional sensors, as an international team, is it possible for us to have our sensor kit reviewed before the competition? We need to ensure that our kit meets all the necessary requirements and regulations prior to our travel. It would be greatly appreciated if you can assist in providing guidance or referring us to a contact person who can help us navigate the review process.

Additionally, i would like to inquire if it is acceptable to make some changes to the submitted kit ? we would like to take into account factors such as ease of accessibility and weather changes.

Also, regarding the permitted envelope, is there any tolerance for deviations? For example, if a sensor is positioned slightly outside the specified limits, as shown in the picture, by approximately 5cm, would that be acceptable?

Thank you for your assistance, Roni


IanMurphy-StreetDrone commented 1 year ago

Please ask any questions relating to additional sensors in the appropriate repository: https://github.com/FS-AI/FS-AI_ADS-DV_CAD Thanks, Ian

andrelds11 commented 12 months ago


We searched the documentation but found no reference to this. How will the camera communicate with the computer? Should we assume the images are already being published on a ros topic or do we need to setup that connection somehow?

Thank you in advance.

IanMurphy-Rockfort commented 12 months ago

How will the camera communicate with the computer? Should we assume the images are already being published on a ros topic or do we need to setup that connection somehow?

I have clarified the description above:

Stereolabs 'ZED' Camera

... Connected to a powered USB3.0 hub and the hub is connected to a USB3.0 port of the CQ67G Vehicle PC.

Your attention is drawn to the section 'Operating System':

The CQ67G Vehicle PC Base Platform will not have any specific OS installed. Each Team must provide a 2.5" SATA SSD with their specific OS and software installed. These SSDs will be fitted to a compatible Caddy which will be placed in the CQ67G Vehicle PC Base Platform by Event Officials prior to each Team's competition runs. Teams are responsible for maintaining, setting up and testing their own SSD(s) as required. This includes ensuring compatibility with the CQ67G Vehicle PC Base Platform hardware (i.e. OS driver compatibility).

AbdElkader-moh commented 10 months ago

I 'd like to ask If any proposed additional sensor is provided by the IMECHE FS-AI organising team or should it be brought by the team competing in the competition and please if you can provide more technical information about the imu like a data sheet that 'd be really helpful.

IanMurphy-Rockfort commented 10 months ago

Any additional sensors are the responsibility of the team, not the IMechE.

Please review the rules and the information at https://github.com/FS-AI/FS-AI_ADS-DV_CAD

Ref. the IMU the information is unchanged from that posted above:

PCAN-GPS / IMU https://www.peak-system.com/PCAN-GPS.378.0.html?&L=1# Mounted approx. at the plan view centre of gravity of the vehicle, although at a higher height than the true CoG. The raw GPS and IMU sensor data from this unit is made available over CAN bus. However, the primary purpose of the PCAN-GPS is to provide data for the judging / scrutineering datalogger. It is not possible to give any assurance of the quality and accuracy of the data from the PCAN-GPS.

AbdElkader-moh commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the quick reply

IJordano478 commented 7 months ago

Hi Ian, Would you be able to tell us what hardware makes up the VCU? Thanks, Isaac

IanMurphy-StreetDrone commented 7 months ago

Hi Isaac, The ADS-DV VCU is a proprietary embedded controller developed by one of the vehicle manufacturing partners. It manages all the base vehicle safety functions and interfaces with the steering, braking and motor controllers. It implements the state machine that activates and deactivates the vehicle systems according to the control inputs sent over CAN by the InCarPC. Thanks, Ian

IJordano478 commented 7 months ago

I understand, thank you!

yahya2491 commented 7 months ago

Hello Ian, I wanted to ask if it's possible to add external hardware like a Nvidia jetson to accelerate our pipeline hardware performance, if so what are the procedures?

IanMurphy-StreetDrone commented 7 months ago

Yes, many teams already do this. You are free to add any kind of extra hardware (sensors, additional compute, displays, etc) as long as you follow the same guidelines as for additional sensors.

OmarIOIE commented 4 months ago

Hello! Please I wanted further specifications of the steering motor (shiftec ZZ011-1) including:

  1. Resistance
  2. Inductance
  3. Coefficient of friction
  4. Coefficient of inertia
  5. Maximum RPM

Thanks in advance!

IJordano478 commented 4 months ago

Hi Ian, I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask but could you confirm whether the cell chemistry of the traction battery is Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) as mentioned in the draft copy of the ADS-DV Specification. We would like to confirm for our university risk assessment. ads-dv-vehicle-specification-v0-1.pdf

IanMurphy-StreetDrone commented 4 months ago

Hello! Please I wanted further specifications of the steering motor (shiftec ZZ011-1) including:

  1. Resistance
  2. Inductance
  3. Coefficient of friction
  4. Coefficient of inertia
  5. Maximum RPM

Thanks in advance!

This information is not available from the supplier. If you are trying to model the steering system of the vehicle, be aware that the behavior is anyway dominated by the calibration of the closed-loop controller of the steering system, not the underlying mechanical components.

IanMurphy-StreetDrone commented 4 months ago

Hi Ian, I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask but could you confirm whether the cell chemistry of the traction battery is Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) as mentioned in the draft copy of the ADS-DV Specification. We would like to confirm for our university risk assessment. ads-dv-vehicle-specification-v0-1.pdf

This is correct, the batteries are LiFePO4.

OmarIOIE commented 4 months ago

Hello @IanMurphy-StreetDrone,

We kindly request additional details regarding the car:

  1. Could you please provide information on the steering ratio? If unavailable, details on the type of rack would be appreciated.
  2. Please confirm if all the values listed in the ADS-DV technical specifications table will change.
  3. Could you confirm the type of steering system: ackermann or anti-ackermann?
  4. Please provide the cornering stiffness for each wheel.

Thank you in advance for your assistance! ADS-DV technical specifications

ianrmurphy commented 4 months ago

Hello @IanMurphy-StreetDrone,

We kindly request additional details regarding the car:

  1. Could you please provide information on the steering ratio? If unavailable, details on the type of rack would be appreciated.
  2. Please confirm if all the values listed in the ADS-DV technical specifications table will change.
  3. Could you confirm the type of steering system: ackermann or anti-ackermann?
  4. Please provide the cornering stiffness for each wheel.

Thank you in advance for your assistance! ADS-DV technical specifications

  1. Steering ratio is not applicable, the request is directly to the wheel angle.
  2. The vehicle specifications will be updated and communicated to all teams ahead of the 2024 event.
  3. The steering geometry can be determined from the 'stick models' in the CAD.
  4. This is not available, we have no kinematic & compliance data.
emy-mhmd commented 2 weeks ago

can i know the radius of the wheel or the type of tyre used

IanMurphy-Rockfort commented 2 weeks ago

can i know the radius of the wheel or the type of tyre used


radwan-mohamed commented 2 weeks ago

can I know the weight of the whole car in kg

thanks in advance

IanMurphy-Rockfort commented 2 weeks ago

can I know the weight of the whole car in kg

thanks in advance

Approx. 300kg.