FSpaceCore / SpaceCore

SpaceCore is a virtual Android system engine that can engage users clone and run dual applications,this engine can also support device simulation, fake GPS and many other features.SpaceCore是一个虚拟引擎内核,提供在Android上克隆和运行虚拟应用程序,并且已支持设备模拟、模拟定位以及其他更多的功能。
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google play #35

Closed yinzhen1989 closed 12 months ago

yinzhen1989 commented 1 year ago

引擎能上google play么?

jack20209527 commented 1 year ago


FSpaceCore commented 1 year ago


dongbeicxy commented 11 months ago

没上去,总报错,发邮件了但没回复,让给sdk的清单文件的debug改成false,一直不回复,包也总上不了架。 我在Google Play提交了一个版本 提示如下: Issue found: Missing or Incomplete Declaration We were unable to review your app because the information you provided in the console declaration was insufficient to evaluate the app for compliance with the VpnService requirements.

Additionally, follow these steps to bring your app into compliance:

Please fill up all the fields in the Declaration Form. Starting 31 August 2023, we will start blocking app updates, if the information you provided in the console is insufficient. If your app does not require VpnService, please remove the relevant service element from the app manifest, for all artifacts across all release tracks.

我在主工程的AndroidManifest.xml添加了<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BIND_VPN_SERVICE" tools:node="remove" />貌似没解决根本问题 应该移除SDK中AndroidManifest.xml的 <service android:name="com.fvbox.lib.client.proxy.ProxyVpnService" android:enabled="true" android:exported="false" android:permission="android.permission.BIND_VPN_SERVICE" >

            android:value="true" />
