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Comple unfolding of recursive definitions with dynamic tests for extraction #2115

Open sonmarcho opened 4 years ago

sonmarcho commented 4 years ago

Comple unfolding of recursive definitions with dynamic tests for extraction

While working on the verification of the Noise protocol framework, I encountered the following issue. I have recursive functions like the following one which take a meta list as parameter, and for each element in the list perform an operation.

assume val g : UInt32.t -> Stack bool (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True)

let rec f (meta : list UInt32.t) () : Stack bool (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) =
  (* The `meta` parameter is meta: this parameter and the outer match should not appear in the extracted code *)
  match meta with
  | [] -> true
  | m :: meta' ->
    let r = g m in
    if r then
      (* No error: continue *)
      f meta' ()
    (* Error: stop *)
    else false

The list parameter is purely meta, and whenever f is instantiated, it must be in such a way that we can completely unfold it to make the function non-recursive. For instance, if we define f1 like this:

let f1 () =
  f [0ul; 1ul; 2ul] ()

We want the generated C code to look like this:

bool f1()
  bool r = g((uint32_t)0U);
  if (r)
    bool r1 = g((uint32_t)1U);
    if (r1)
      bool r2 = g((uint32_t)2U);
      if (r2)
        return true;
        return false;
      return false;
    return false;

It is not possible to achieve the above result by using inline_for_extraction, because the normalization performed at extraction time is blocked inside the if ... then ... else ... (because the normalizer doesn't unfold recursive calls inside matches unless we use the zeta_full option). We could try to wrap f inside a call to the normalizer like this:

let f1 () =
  norm [zeta_full; delta_only [`%f]; iota; simplify; primops] (f [0ul; 1ul; 2ul] ())


Another possibility is to use post-processing, like below:

let pp_tac () : Tac unit =
  norm [zeta_full; delta_only [`%f]; iota; simplify; primops]; trefl ()  

[@(postprocess_with pp_tac)]
let f1 () =
  f [0ul; 1ul; 2ul] ()

This works but at the cost of not being able to use interfaces: if the user wants to be able to postprocess f1 with the expected outcome, the definition of fmust be accessible, and not hidden behind an interface. What makes things worse is that this forbids from using friend in the module defining f: not only does this prevent from hiding f behind an interface, but it also prevents from hiding other modules f depends on behind interfaces (unless you use a workaround, like lemmas revealing the definitions bodies). This is a big issue with regard to scalability, because in the case of Noise the context quickly becomes really big if you don't use interface abstractions.

@msprotz and I came up with the following suggestions to solve the problem:

let rec f (meta : list UInt32.t) () : Stack bool (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) =
  (* The `meta` parameter is meta: this parameter and the outer match should not appear in the extracted code *)
  match meta with
  | [] -> true
  | m :: meta' ->
    let r = g m in
    if r then
      (* No error: continue *)
      f meta' ()
    (* Error: stop *)
    else false

Or (if we want to be more precise by targetting specific branches):

let rec f (meta : list UInt32.t) () : Stack bool (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) =
  (* The `meta` parameter is meta: this parameter and the outer match should not appear in the extracted code *)
  match meta with
  | [] -> true
  | m :: meta' ->
    let r = g m in
    if r
      (* No error: continue *)
      f meta' ()
    (* Error: stop *)
    else false

Note that the meaning of inline_friendly_match would not be to instruct F* to unfold recursive definitions inside matches, but to ignore the fact that it goes inside the branch of a match when updating the normalization context (because we can imagine that, in some situation, an issue may prevent the outer match on metafrom being simplified, in which case we don't want to unfold the recursive definition because it will loop).

sonmarcho commented 4 years ago

@nikswamy @aseemr @mtzguido following today's F* meeting