Closed briangmilnes closed 3 weeks ago
Rewriting some stuff I bumped into a funny type checking error.
module MissingVar open FStar.String let streq_upto s1 s2 (pos: nat) = (pos <= strlen s1 /\ pos <= strlen s2 /\ (forall (i: nat{i < pos}). index s1 i = index s2 i)) /// strlen is pointed to as nat when expecting Type0 let rec streq_upto'' (s1: string) (s2: string{strlen s1 = strlen s2}) (from: nat{from < strlen s1}) (to: nat{to < strlen s1}) : Tot (b:bool{b <==> streq_upto s1 s2 to}) (decreases strlen s1 - to) = if pos = strlen s1 then 0 else 0
on both the language server and the command line.
* Error 12 at src/MissingVar.fst(15,10-15,19): - Expected type Type0 but FStar.String.strlen s1 has type Prims.nat
this should be a very low priority.
pos is defined in prims, it's resolving to that.
(** The type of positive integers *) type pos = i: int{i > 0}
Rewriting some stuff I bumped into a funny type checking error.
on both the language server and the command line.
this should be a very low priority.