FStarLang / steel

The Steel separation logic library for F*
Apache License 2.0
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Bad error messages #146

Open nikswamy opened 8 months ago

nikswamy commented 8 months ago
  1. Fails pointing to the equality and claiming that an SMT query failed
fn value_of (#a:Type) (r:ref a)
requires pts_to r 'v
returns v:a
ensures pts_to r 'v ** pure (v == 'v)
  1. Points to the (!i) but fails saying expected int got stt int .... which is a bit cryptic
fn four_fail ()
requires emp
returns i:int
ensures pure (i == 4)
    let mut i = 1;
    add i (!i);
    add i (!i);
nikswamy commented 8 months ago

This program fails to check blaming the entire program, instead of just the equality of a == c * y.

fn multiply_by_repeated_addition (x y:nat)
    requires emp
    returns z:nat
    ensures pure (z == x * y)
    let mut ctr = 0;
    let mut acc : nat = 0;
    while (
        let c = !ctr;
        (c < x)
    invariant b.
    exists* c a.
        pts_to ctr c **
        pts_to acc a **
        pure (//0 <= c /\
              c <= x /\
              a == (c * y) /\
              b == (c < x))
        let a = !acc;
        acc := a + y;
        let c = !ctr;
        ctr := c + 1;
gebner commented 7 months ago

If you forget a pure on an assertion, Pulse says that it cannot prove the assertion (instead of complaining about the type error).

fn foo (n: nat) requires pure (n >= 42) ensures emp {
  assert (n >= 1);
  // - Tactic logged issue:
  // - Cannot prove:
  //     op_GreaterThanOrEqual n 1
  // - In the context:
  //     emp