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In the Chinese environment, the terminal cannot display Chinese #28

Closed lixiaya closed 1 year ago

lixiaya commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am from China, I like your phyOS very much, but in the Chinese environment, the st terminal has been unable to display Chinese, even though I have downloaded Chinese fonts, it does not help. I try to install other desktop environments, such as cutefish. The terminal that comes with cutfish can display Chinese very well. Can you add support for Chinese in the next version?

FT-Labs commented 1 year ago

Hello, could you please send screenshots?

Have you installed an IME that supports pinyin?

lixiaya commented 1 year ago

For example, when you enter yay -Syu, you will be prompted to enter the password, but only the account name can be displayed, as shown below 118028225

The picture below is what should have happened 2023-04-12_09-58

lixiaya commented 1 year ago

Hello, I think I know the problem, when I change the terminal to alacritty, Chinese shows up fine

FT-Labs commented 1 year ago

Have you added respected font to st?

lixiaya commented 1 year ago

您是否已将受人尊敬的字体添加到 st?

Hello, can you tell me where is the st configuration file?

FT-Labs commented 1 year ago

It's not like pdwm for now, you need to edit the configuration file.

git clone https://github.com/FT-Labs/phyOS-st

cd into repo

Add your font into config.h in here

static char *fonts[] = {          "TerminessTTF Nerd Font:style=Medium:pixelsize=24",
                        "Consolas Nerd Font:style=Regular:pixelsize=24",
                        "JetBrains Mono:style=Regular:pixelsize=24",
                                                "MesloLGS NF:style=Regular:pixelsize=24"};


make && sudo make install

lixiaya commented 1 year ago


git 克隆https://github.com/FT-Labs/phyOS-st

cd 到 repo

在此处将您的字体添加到 config.h

static char *fonts[] = {          "TerminessTTF Nerd Font:style=Medium:pixelsize=24",
                      "Consolas Nerd Font:style=Regular:pixelsize=24",
                      "JetBrains Mono:style=Regular:pixelsize=24",
                                                "MesloLGS NF:style=Regular:pixelsize=24"};


make && sudo make install

Thank you very much, it can be displayed normally

FT-Labs commented 1 year ago
