FTB-Gamepedia / Tilesheets

Adds a parser function that looks up a table for an item and returns the requested image.
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Make the tilesheets deletable in the interface. #19

Open xbony2 opened 8 years ago

xbony2 commented 8 years ago

The SheetManager doesn't allow the sheet to be deleted. Trying to click the checkmarks yields to nothing. The only way to delete it is using the API.

I literally had to use irb to delete it >.> and since the extension api isn't part of the butt gem yet I had to type out butt.post({action: "deletesheet", tsmod: "TDM", tssummary: "", tstoken: butt.get_token("edit")}) which was kind of annoying.

Edit: tsmod should be "tsmods" right now.

xbony2 commented 8 years ago

And shit, it doesn't look like that really worked either. Trying to re-create my tilesheets reveals that it so appears the tile data is still there (it fails).

elifoster commented 8 years ago

Hm. Perhaps there's something outdated in SheetManager as well as OreDictEntryManager, as the issue seems to be the same in both.

Also you are a noob for using irb. It's all about pry.

xbony2 commented 8 years ago

Will try pry out sometime I guess.

xbony2 commented 8 years ago


irb(main):007:0> butt.post({action: "deletesheet", tsmod: "TDM", tssummary: "", tstoken: butt.get_token("edit")})
=> {"edit"=>{"deletesheet"=>[]}}

And it's in the tilesheet log...

‎ESAEBSAD (Talk | contribs) deleted the [INVALID] tilesheet. ‎

([INVALID] is a bugged-out name for a tilesheet, but we'll go with it)

But going on Special:TileList shows something disappointing...

The tilesheet is indeed deleted, but none of the tiles in it are. That's a bit disappointing, huh? The "Registered sizes" thing seemed to be bugged out too.

xbony2 commented 8 years ago

The tiles on ESAETEST (the 1x1 test tilesheet) were deleted when running the same command. Yuck.

Maybe I'll try recreating TDM and deleting it again.


SUCCESS Adding new tilesheet...
FAIL Adding Test from TDM on [Tilesheet TDM %.png] (0,0) to entry list...

There's a new tilesheet, so that works.

And now running...

butt.post({action: "deletesheet", tsmod: "TDM", tssummary: "", tstoken: butt.get_token("edit")})

does the same thing; deletes the tilesheet but not the tiles. Yeh.

elifoster commented 8 years ago

That's not a bug as far as I'm aware. Just bulk delete all the tiles then delete the sheet.

xbony2 commented 8 years ago

But why would someone want to delete the sheet without deleting the tiles? >.> that's stupid.

retep998 commented 8 years ago

Deleting a sheet requires deleting every individual tile regardless, and for large sheets doing all that as a single operation will time out. Therefore if you add support to a bot to delete a sheet you will need to add support for having it delete the individual tiles in batches anyway, thus negating the need for deletesheet to delete tiles as well.

xbony2 commented 8 years ago

That's what I was doing but I couldn't get it to work >.> but you can make it delete the tiles in batches on the wiki too.

elifoster commented 8 years ago

I think this issue (along with the one in the OreDictEntryManager) might be caused by the entries being updated after they get deleted, because I have no problem in #28 doing it what seems to be properly.