FTB-Gamepedia / Tilesheets

Adds a parser function that looks up a table for an item and returns the requested image.
MIT License
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Animated tiles #82

Open xbony2 opened 6 years ago

xbony2 commented 6 years ago

I don't know how it would be done but it's something we all sort of wish we had, so might as well put it here to examine it one day. Maybe there'd be another file like File:Tilesheet AV 16 animated.png and a way to mark tiles as animated. I don't know but feel free to think about it.

retep998 commented 6 years ago

Fortunately Chrome (and other browsers using the same engine) has recently gained support for APNG so we can use that instead of mucking about with gif or weird javascript hacks.

Unfortunately this is also somewhat complicated to do. First there needs to be a good way of dumping all the frames of an animation for a given block or item (what happens when the block has multiple faces with different animations on each side and different periods for each animation?). Then we'd have to figure out how to place them on a tilesheet (all animations on a given sheet need to have the same period, or would have to be repeated multiple times until the least common multiple of their periods is achieved, which could be a huge waste of space for combinations of primes). We'd also need a Rust crate capable of creating APNG images.

If we had https://github.com/FTB-Gamepedia/Tilesheets/issues/76 then the actual implementation of this issue would be limited to tile dumping mods and ftb-rs with no other changes required to the extension or the wiki.

elifoster commented 6 years ago

we'd have to figure out how to place them on a tilesheet (all animations on a given sheet need to have the same period, or would have to be repeated multiple times until the least common multiple of their periods is achieved, which could be a huge waste of space for combinations of primes).

We could have the tilesheet contain static images of all the frames. For example, Tilesheet V 16 animated.png contains Gold Ingot frame-1 Gold Ingot frame-2 etc and then stuff is done to create an animation from that. That could also get massive, though, if a mod adds a lot of animated tiles.

If we had #76 then the actual implementation of this issue would be limited to tile dumping mods and ftb-rs with no other changes required to the extension or the wiki.

I have no idea what you're saying here.