Closed Kooldud6789 closed 4 years ago
Now with punctuation:
When I logged in the game wasnt letting me walk straight. W was back and left D was forward and right A right and forward S was left and back. I tried resetting the control setting even though i never touched them to begin with but that didnt work. And on top of that it was saying I was looking in all different directions when my screen was saying otherwise and I couldn't break any block. i was going to try seeing if going through the portal would help but i couldnt get there. i then tried to make a new world and then i found out that the bug was on there too.
So you can only walk diagonally?
And what do you mean "it was saying I was looking in all different directions when my screen was saying otherwise" What was saying you were looking everywhere? Was the camera spinning? What do you mean the screen was saying otherwise?
Does this happen on new modpack installations? Try a different modpack too, see if it happens there.
when i said it wasnt looking where i was looking i could be looking down the maze hall and it would be saying i was looking at the brick block, then a cobblestone wall ect when i was looking down a hallway where i shouldnt have anything popping up. and yes i could only walk diagonally. and no it was only on that one mod pack
What was saying anything? What saying you were looking at a brick wall? I have no idea what you're talking about at all.
On The Academy mod pack yall offer i got pretty far and i was currently in a maze in the twilight forest then i logged off, when i logged back on the game wasnt letting me walk straight w was back and left D was forward and right A right and forward and s was left and back. i tried resetting the control setting even though i never touched them to begin with but that didnt work. and on top of that it was saying i was looking in all diffrent directions when my screen was saying otherwise and i couldnt break anyblock. i was going to try seeing if going through the portal would help but i couldnt get there. i then tried to make a new world and then i found out that the bug was on there too.