FTBTeam / FTB-App

Electron, Vue2, and Tailwind based frontend system for the FTB App; a new Modpack launcher for FTB and Curse modpacks.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
86 stars 22 forks source link

Cant launch Direwolf 20 pack no matter what i do. #1053

Closed cjm108794 closed 5 months ago

cjm108794 commented 6 months ago

What Operating System

Windows 10

Debug Code


Describe the bug

[FTB APP][INFO] Pre-Start Tasks [FTB APP][INFO] Validate Java Runtime [FTB APP][INFO] Validate assets [FTB APP][INFO] Validate libraries [FTB APP][INFO] Validate client OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Sharing is only supported for boot loader classes because bootstrap classpath has been appended [Log4jPatcher] [INFO] Transforming org/apache/logging/log4j/core/pattern/MessagePatternConverter [Log4jPatcher] [WARN] Unable to find noLookups:Z field in org/apache/logging/log4j/core/pattern/MessagePatternConverter [Log4jPatcher] [INFO] Transforming org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup [22:53:52.325] [main/INFO] [Launcher/MODLAUNCHER]: ModLauncher running: args [--username, cjm2508, --version, 1.20.1-forge-47.1.76, --gameDir, C:\Users\christian\AppData\Local.ftba\instances\8afc094e-8779-49d9-84a4-77d49ce191ce, --assetsDir, C:\Users\christian\AppData\Local.ftba\bin\assets, --assetIndex, 5, --uuid, ddfd0aee-c5b9-48a7-90c7-021979f2cd0d, --accessToken, ????????, --clientId, ${clientid}, --xuid, ${auth_xuid}, --userType, msa, --versionType, release, --width, 1720, --height, 840, --launchTarget, forgeclient, --fml.forgeVersion, 47.1.76, --fml.fmlVersion, 47.1.47, --fml.mcVersion, 1.20.1, --fml.mcpVersion, 20230612.114412] [22:53:52.327] [main/INFO] [Launcher/MODLAUNCHER]: ModLauncher 10.0.9+10.0.9+main.dcd20f30 starting: java version 17.0.7 by Eclipse Adoptium; OS Windows 10 arch amd64 version 10.0 [22:53:54.285] [main/INFO] [loading.ImmediateWindowHandler/]: Loading ImmediateWindowProvider fmlearlywindow

Steps to reproduce

just try to launch it

Expected behaviour

to launch the launcher


No response

Additional information

No response

cjm108794 commented 6 months ago

other times i get this [AUTH][INFO] Starting authentication flow finished successfully [AUTH][INFO] Contacting Xbox Live started [AUTH][INFO] Contacting Xbox Live finished successfully [AUTH][INFO] Authenticating with Xbox Services started [AUTH][INFO] Authenticating with Xbox Services finished successfully [AUTH][INFO] Logging in with Xbox Live started [AUTH][INFO] Logging in with Xbox Live finished successfully [AUTH][INFO] Getting Minecraft Profile started [AUTH][INFO] Verifying ownership started [AUTH][INFO] Getting Minecraft Profile finished successfully [AUTH][INFO] Verifying ownership finished successfully [FTB APP][INFO] Pre-Start Tasks [FTB APP][INFO] Validate Java Runtime [FTB APP][INFO] Validate assets [FTB APP][INFO] Validate libraries [FTB APP][INFO] Validate client OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Sharing is only supported for boot loader classes because bootstrap classpath has been appended [Log4jPatcher] [INFO] Transforming org/apache/logging/log4j/core/pattern/MessagePatternConverter [Log4jPatcher] [WARN] Unable to find noLookups:Z field in org/apache/logging/log4j/core/pattern/MessagePatternConverter [Log4jPatcher] [INFO] Transforming org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup [23:19:50.542] [main/INFO] [Launcher/MODLAUNCHER]: ModLauncher running: args [--username, cjm2508, --version, 1.20.1-forge-47.1.84, --gameDir, C:\Users\christian\AppData\Local.ftba\instances\8afc094e-8779-49d9-84a4-77d49ce191ce, --assetsDir, C:\Users\christian\AppData\Local.ftba\bin\assets, --assetIndex, 5, --uuid, ddfd0aee-c5b9-48a7-90c7-021979f2cd0d, --accessToken, ????????, --clientId, ${clientid}, --xuid, ${auth_xuid}, --userType, msa, --versionType, release, --width, 1720, --height, 840, --launchTarget, forgeclient, --fml.forgeVersion, 47.1.84, --fml.fmlVersion, 47.1.47, --fml.mcVersion, 1.20.1, --fml.mcpVersion, 20230612.114412] [23:19:50.546] [main/INFO] [Launcher/MODLAUNCHER]: ModLauncher 10.0.9+10.0.9+main.dcd20f30 starting: java version 17.0.7 by Eclipse Adoptium; OS Windows 10 arch amd64 version 10.0 [23:19:52.402] [main/INFO] [loading.ImmediateWindowHandler/]: Loading ImmediateWindowProvider fmlearlywindow

MichaelHillcox commented 5 months ago

You've got a bunch of segfaults in your logs (this means Java has fatally crashed). This looks to be a modpack issue though. Please open an issue at https://github.com/ftbteam/ftb-modpack-issues and attach your hs_error files. Please make sure you edit your hs_error files to remove the string starting with ey next to --accessToken as this is sensitive information.