FTBTeam / FTB-Modpack-Issues

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[Bug]: Failed to synchronize registry data from server #1749

Closed DrMedic29 closed 1 year ago

DrMedic29 commented 1 year ago


StoneBlock 3

Modpack version

1.0.0 and 1.1.0

Log Files

No response

Describe the bug

[07Nov2022 14:08:39.587] [ReAuth-301/INFO] [ReAuth/]: Starting local endpoint
[07Nov2022 14:08:39.589] [ReAuth-301/INFO] [ReAuth/]: Started local endpoint
[07Nov2022 14:08:39.590] [ReAuth-301/INFO] [ReAuth/]: Waiting for Authentication
[07Nov2022 14:11:20.573] [Render thread/INFO] [ReAuth/]: Login failed
[07Nov2022 14:11:20.573] [ReAuth-302/INFO] [ReAuth/]: Stopping local endpoint
[07Nov2022 14:11:20.573] [Render thread/INFO] [ReAuth/]: Login cancelled
[07Nov2022 14:11:20.573] [Render thread/INFO] [ReAuth/]: Profile saving cancelled
[07Nov2022 14:11:20.574] [ReAuth-302/INFO] [ReAuth/]: Stopped local endpoint
[07Nov2022 14:11:26.846] [ReAuth-302/INFO] [ReAuth/]: Starting local endpoint
[07Nov2022 14:11:26.847] [ReAuth-302/INFO] [ReAuth/]: Started local endpoint
[07Nov2022 14:11:26.847] [ReAuth-302/INFO] [ReAuth/]: Waiting for Authentication
[07Nov2022 14:11:57.223] [Render thread/INFO] [ReAuth/]: Login failed
[07Nov2022 14:11:57.223] [ReAuth-302/INFO] [ReAuth/]: Stopping local endpoint
[07Nov2022 14:11:57.223] [Render thread/INFO] [ReAuth/]: Login cancelled
[07Nov2022 14:11:57.224] [ReAuth-302/INFO] [ReAuth/]: Stopped local endpoint
[07Nov2022 14:12:07.260] [Render thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.client.Minecraft/]: Stopping!
[07Nov2022 14:12:07.261] [Render thread/INFO] [FluxNetworks/]: Released client Flux Networks cache
[07Nov2022 14:12:07.330] [Render thread/INFO] [FTB Chunks/]: Shutting down map thread
[07Nov2022 14:12:07.367] [Thread-6/INFO] [net.creeperhost.minetogether.MineTogetherCommon/]: Shutdown called, Stopping our threads
[07Nov2022 14:12:07.370] [Thread-6/ERROR] [net.creeperhost.minetogether.lib.chat.irc.IrcHandler/]: Socket error, Attempt stuff and things
[07Nov2022 14:12:07.370] [Thread-6/INFO] [net.creeperhost.minetogether.lib.chat.irc.IrcHandler/]: Stopping Reconnection thread
[07Nov2022 14:12:07.370] [Thread-6/INFO] [net.creeperhost.minetogether.lib.chat.irc.IrcHandler/]: Stopping IRC Socket
[07Nov2022 14:12:07.370] [Thread-6/ERROR] [net.creeperhost.minetogether.lib.chat.irc.IrcHandler/]: Socket is already null
[07Nov2022 14:12:07.370] [Thread-6/INFO] [net.creeperhost.minetogether.lib.chat.irc.IrcHandler/]: Force quitting chat thread

[15:01:00] [User Authenticator #1/INFO] [minecraft/ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl]: UUID of player DrMedic_ is 1a6adac5-49ee-40e2-ae1e-a6023e49cc62
[15:01:03] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@5dbee8f5[id=1a6adac5-49ee-40e2-ae1e-a6023e49cc62,name=DrMedic_,properties={textures=[com.mojang.authlib.properties.Property@4edb49b]},legacy=false] (/ lost connection: Disconnected

Steps to reproduce


Expected behaviour

Connect to server normal



Additional information

I have been playing on 1.0.0 stoneblock 3 with no problems since the launch of stoneblock 3, today I got this error. I tried updating to 1.1.0 and still have this problem.

Raidobw2 commented 1 year ago

Hi, could you try to copy those folders from your client into the server: config, mods, kubejs? This would ensure you have the same exact files. Then let me know if you still cannot join your local server

DrMedic29 commented 1 year ago

I did that and I am having the same problem still.

DrMedic29 commented 1 year ago

I deleted the world on the server and it is still giving me the error after reloading the server with a new world.

Raidobw2 commented 1 year ago

Can you add the server's log / client logs? If you load it & test locally you don't need to remove the ip addresses in the logs, but otherwise if it's over the internet (like an online host) please do so before posting it here

DrMedic29 commented 1 year ago

Server: latest.log Client: latest.log

Raidobw2 commented 1 year ago

Wow, that's all there is for the client log? It should be much longer than that... Are you using the FTB App to start the game? The client log is in the logs folder, called latest.log. When you launch the game it should quickly fill up and become hundreds of lines long

DrMedic29 commented 1 year ago

I download it from ftb and them create a new instance in the regular mc launch and launch it from there. And ya that is the latest.log I was confused as well

DrMedic29 commented 1 year ago

The other person playing with me gets this issue as well. So I'm 99% sure it is server based

Raidobw2 commented 1 year ago

Try clicking the settings in the MC launcher (bottom left) and clicking the option similar to "open game output when game starts". That way you can have (all?) of the client log there and hopefully towards the end when it disconnects you from the server there will be more information about the error

DrMedic29 commented 1 year ago

debug.log It was in logs but called bebug not latest

Raidobw2 commented 1 year ago

That client log shows [net.minecraftforge.network.HandshakeHandler/FMLHANDSHAKE]: Starting new vanilla impl connection. for some reason. How are you starting the server, and how does your start script look like?

DrMedic29 commented 1 year ago

@echo off IF EXIST eula.txt ( goto CHECKEULA ) ELSE ( goto ASKEULA ) IF %errlevel% EQU 1 goto END :CHECKEULA

nul find "eula=false" eula.txt && ( goto ASKEULA ) || ( goto END ) :ASKEULA echo "Do you agree to the Mojang EULA available at https://account.mojang.com/documents/minecraft_eula ?" set /p EULA=[y/n] IF /I "%EULA%" NEQ "y" GOTO END echo eula=true>eula.txt :END start "FTB Server" "jre\jdk-17.0.2+8-jre\bin\java.exe" -javaagent:log4jfix/Log4jPatcher-1.0.0.jar -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -Xmx6144M -Xms4096M @user_jvm_args.txt @libraries/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.18.2-40.1.84/win_args.txt nogui The one that is installed atomaticlly with the server files for the modpack

Raidobw2 commented 1 year ago

That is the correct start script, give me a few minutes to test this locally. Also, it's that same chickens error that you have on all tries?

DrMedic29 commented 1 year ago

Yes and the other person trying to connect to the server as well

DrMedic29 commented 1 year ago

Trying to upload all my server files in a compressed folder to dropbox and get you a link soon incase you can't recreate it

DrMedic29 commented 1 year ago


Raidobw2 commented 1 year ago

I get the same error on 1.1.0, so my guess is there's something going on with the chickens mod and the recent Minecraft outage / or just the recent outage does this image https://twitter.com/MojangStatus/status/1589822938995621888

I'd suggest waiting in that case... Thanks for your patience in advance

DrMedic29 commented 1 year ago

Np ty for helping me I had no clue about the outage I thought it might be something getting corrupted

Raidobw2 commented 1 year ago

I thought the same thing at first, no worries!

Sunekaer commented 1 year ago

Is this also an issue on 1.1.1?

Firedale commented 1 year ago

Is this also an issue on 1.1.1?

Yes, I can confirm it's also doing it in 1.1.1. We just updated the server, and I updated my client, and still getting the same exact issue, still not syncing chickens at 1.0.25, showing the same on both sides. I even uninstalled the modpack and installed it fresh entirely to no avail.

Sunekaer commented 1 year ago

Okay i just tested myself, so i only have this issue if i use other launchers then FTB APP What launcher you using?

natebc commented 1 year ago

I get this on 1.1.1 using the vanilla launcher with correct version of forge installed and working directory set to the Instance directory from the FTB App. image

latest.log debug.log

Sunekaer commented 1 year ago

Please use the FTB App to launch

natebc commented 1 year ago

It does seem to work fine when launched from the FTB App. What communications does the FTB app permit that the vanilla launcher doesn't? Odd one.

Sunekaer commented 1 year ago

Well we are not sure, we know that MC launcher had a update and so did CurseForge APP and it seems to have broken things, but some how our app is working fine, i guess due to that we launch the game in a different way

natebc commented 1 year ago

I changed the FTB App to launch using the same version of the JRE that I use in the vanilla launcher configuration and that setup still works as well. 😕

impo commented 1 year ago

I am having this registry sync issue with AE2. Picture attached below: AE2 Error

latest.log debug.log

EDIT: I am launching with the FTB App on Linux. Client Java version 17.0.4 Server Java version 17.0.1

Server latest.log

natebc commented 1 year ago

FWIW the vanilla launcher update appears to have been rolled back. SB3 is working again launching with forge+FTB App working directory method.

Edit: MCL-22685 seems to be the root cause of all this mess. Glad FTB was able to escape the blast radius of it.

CreeprPlyZ commented 1 year ago

Me and my friend are having the exact same issue but with KubeJs. we are using version 1.2.1 and even tried to replace the mod with one from curseforge. we are using FTB app

latest.log debug.log