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Broken recipes in 3.7.0 and how to fix them. #5524

Open LevyWilson opened 1 month ago

LevyWilson commented 1 month ago


FTB Revelation

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Describe the bug

So 3.7.0 is a dumpster fire from what I've seen in the files. I was comparing 3.6.0 and 3.7.0 to see what settings changed so I can easily update my server and I am honestly shocked at what was added. In the 00_recipe_changes.zs file, the cargo cart recipe was duped and the Computronics fixes all just make ticket machines. Here are my edits to fix the mess:

#Fix Cargo Cart
        [null, <minecraft:minecart>, null],
        [null, <minecraft:chest>, null],
        [null, null, null]

#Fix Ticket Machine
        [<ore:plateTin>, <ore:plateSteel>, <ore:plateTin>],
        [<ore:plateSteel>, <minecraft:dispenser>, <ore:paneGlassColorless>],
        [<ore:plateTin>, <minecraft:piston>, <ore:plateTin>]

#Fix Computroncis
        [<ore:plateTin>, <railcraft:circuit:1>, <ore:plateTin>],
        [<railcraft:rail:5>, <railcraft:circuit>, <railcraft:rail:5>],
        [<ore:plateTin>, <railcraft:tool_charge_meter>, <ore:plateTin>]

        [<ore:plateSteel>, <ore:plateSteel>, <ore:plateSteel>],
        [<ore:plateSteel>, <railcraft:detector:7>, <minecraft:light_weighted_pressure_plate>],
        [<ore:plateSteel>, <ore:plateSteel>, <ore:plateSteel>]

These edits also use ore dictionary plates to look nice and pretty.

Also, there was no need to downgrade Unidict. The reason the forge hammer plate recipes don't work is because in 01_unification.zs there is a line that specifically removes all plate crafting table recipes. You remove that line, the plate recipes work again.


There, no need to downgrade Unidict. These issues would have been easily found if whoever made the changes actually tested them in-game.

And since I've been a bit coarse, I'm going to give you another fix. Add this line to a script file and you fix the recipes that let you make a hopper with two logs instead of needing to make a chest. Extratutils and Enderio add this recipe and they break it when both try to add it. This line disables the Extrautils recipe.


Steps to reproduce

Looking at the files and knowing what they do.

Expected behaviour

I expected the FTB team to know how to add recipes in their modpack. >.>


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BBaoVanC commented 1 month ago

Also please fix the typo in the comment ("Fix Computroncis") because it's bugging me now that I just noticed it