FTBTeam / FTB-Mods-Issues

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[Bug]: Trouble with Advancement based quests #1251

Open MuteTiefling opened 3 days ago

MuteTiefling commented 3 days ago


FTB Quests

Mod version


Forge / Fabric version

NeoForge - 21.0.42

Modpack & version

Enigmatica 10 in-dev

What issue are you having?

Advancement based tasks seem to be having some issues.

Here I've selected the appropriate advancement: image

Upon adding it, the task is created like so: image

Clicking it immediately crashes the game.



Steps to reproduce

  1. Add an advancement based task to a quest
  2. Click the task

Anything else to note?

No response

desht commented 2 days ago

I can't reproduce this with any of the vanilla advancements I have available to me in dev. Which mod is Ore Doubling from?

MuteTiefling commented 2 days ago

It's a hidden advancement in Occultism.

desht commented 2 days ago

Hmm. I added Occultism (and its deps) to my dedicated test server, and... it works fine.


Not sure what to say at this point...

MuteTiefling commented 2 days ago

Neat. I know occultism and kubejs are having some issues with conditions... Maybe that's the actual cause?

I'll keep testing on my side then.

desht commented 1 day ago

Yeah, I'll keep an eye out for it here too. Keeping it open for now.

MuteTiefling commented 1 day ago

So, I went back, made sure everything was updated, and tried a vanilla advancement and I'm seeing the same thing. I'll start pulling mods out to see if I can figure out what's breaking this.

MuteTiefling commented 1 day ago

... ok, I'm at a loss here.

Stripped the pack back to just FTB quests and was able to make an advancement task. Then slowly added in chunks of mods, attempting to add more advancement tasks at every group and could do so at every group.

It never stopped working again.

Possible that it's some kind of initialization issue? Works fine now that there is one, but something is breaking your ability to read them if there aren't any tasks/

MuteTiefling commented 1 day ago

Spoke too soon. With all mods in I can create a new quest by selecting the advancement task as the starting point. Adding it to an existing quest is where it breaks.

desht commented 1 day ago

Ah! Yeah, adding an advancement task to an existing quest is what triggers it. Can confirm, now investigating why...

desht commented 1 day ago

OK, should be fixed now. Will be in next release, but feel free to test out https://maven.ftb.dev/snapshots/dev/ftb/mods/ftb-quests-neoforge/2100.1.3-SNAPSHOT/ftb-quests-neoforge-2100.1.3-20240703.140245-1.jar if you want :)

MuteTiefling commented 1 day ago

Nice thanks!