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[Feature Request]: Dimension blacklist for (cross-dimension) teleporting commands #1258

Open x13x54 opened 2 weeks ago

x13x54 commented 2 weeks ago


FTB Essentials


Implement a config-file-based dimension blacklist for the commands /home, /back, /spawn, and /tpa independently from each other. This should allow blacklisting of cross-dimension teleporting and/or any teleporting within a dimension through options in the existing config file.

Waystones has a similar feature already where you can disallow waystoning to other dimensions from a dimension on the blacklist. The reason why i desire this feature is that the existence of easier teleport options in dimensions provided by the StargateJourney mod is highly detrimental to player immersion and degrades the stargates to the status of "worse waystones", which is a disappointment

Describe the solution you'd like

Each command in the config file has it's own dimension blacklists. One for cross-dimension use of the command, one for intra-dimensional (same-dimension destination) use of the command.

Upon a blacklist use of a teleporting command, the player should be informed that (cross-dimension) teleporting has been disabled in this dimension. Failed attempts should not put the command on cooldown.

Admins shouldn't be able to unknowingly and accidentally use their admin powers to override, this should instead be handled either by informing them that that is disabled and they can run the command again within a short time-frame to override using admin permissions, or by requiring the use of a command/option that is only used for overriding using admin permissions

Describe alternatives you've considered

Disabling /home, /back, /tpa, etc server-wide (not a viable option for 99.99% of servers). Dialing up the cooldown to extreme values to discourage use within a few dimensions (undoubtedly resulting in major annoyances on other dimensions, so also not viable)

desht commented 2 weeks ago

See https://github.com/FTBTeam/FTB-Essentials/pull/50 - will review this in the next few days.

x13x54 commented 5 days ago

See FTBTeam/FTB-Essentials#50 - will review this in the next few days.

Thanks! I saw, and decided to write a more detailed request that better fits my use-case while giving maximum flexibility to other people's. Hope you don't mind