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[Bug]: add FTB Auxilium mod Chinese Translate #547

Open Wulian233 opened 1 year ago

Wulian233 commented 1 year ago


FTB Auxilium mod

Mod version


Forge / Fabric version


Modpack & version

FTB StoneBlock 3 1.6.1

What issue are you having?

Hi! I am one of the Chinese contributors to the recent sb3 translate. I finished making FTB Auxiliuma Chinese translation(zh_cn.json)



{ "ftbauxilium.what-is": "FTB Auxilium是一个轻量级的mod,它将少量的统计信息发送回FTB统计服务器。我们使用这些信息来帮助推动我们的整合包朝着最适合我们玩家的方向发展。", "ftbauxilium.what-info": "Auxilum只报告基本的、完全匿名的数据;目前,它会报告:加载时间、你正在玩的包、崩溃日志、游戏时间,以及你用来启动整活包的启动器。", "ftbauxilium.opt-out": "如果你不想把这些匿名信息送回FTB,你可以点击下面的按钮退出。这将使你退出所有使用Auxilium的FTB整合包。", "ftbauxilium.heading-what-is": "什么是FTB Auxilium?", "ftbauxilium.heading-what-info": "它在发送什么?", "ftbauxilium.heading-opt-out": "选择退出?", "ftbauxilium.heading-opt-in": "看起来你已经决定退出了", "ftbauxilium.opt-in": "如果你想回到Auxilium统计系统。请点击下面的按钮。", "ftbauxilium.btn.opt-out": "选择退出", "ftbauxilium.btn-opt-in": "选择重新加入", "ftbauxilium.btn-cancel": "取消", "ftbauxilium.msg.opted-out": "你已退出", "ftbauxilium.msg.opted-in": "你已重新加入" }

Steps to reproduce

  1. Copy the above translation and create zn_cn.json
  2. Add it in FTB Auxilium
MichaelHillcox commented 1 year ago

Just sorted this one, updated 1.18 + 1.19, they should be shipped in newer packs. Thanks for the contribution! :D

Wulian233 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @MichaelHillcox After receiving feedback from others, I made a typo at the time, "ftbauxilium.what-info" (zh_cn.json)

It should be "ftbauxilium.what-info": "Auxilum只报告基本的、完全匿名的数据;目前,它会报告:加载时间、你正在玩的包、崩溃日志、游戏时间,以及你用来启动整合包的启动器。", --------------------------------------------^^^

Can you fix it? Thanks