FTBTeam / FTB-Revelation-2

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[mod change/addition]OpenComputers #443

Closed FurryJack0420 closed 3 years ago

FurryJack0420 commented 3 years ago

I was just wanting the pack to either use opencomputers instead of computercraft or add opencomputers to it. I feel that it adds more content with computers, and that it's harder to make them and work them, but also has a better(imo) api for lua and better user experience. Also I feel the addition of lua 5.2 and 5.3 would be helpful, and the functionality between it and other mods is better with the use of the adapter, which I believe would be great for things like reactor controls, power management, and especially managing the draconic reactor, being there is a script meant for draconic reactors that run on opencomputers computers.

Anti27 commented 3 years ago

I want this changed as well.

BadBoyJH commented 3 years ago

Second this. Or at least something like Plethora to give the option for tile entity interaction.

016Nojr commented 3 years ago

Mod List is locked atm