FTC-9073-Knightrix / 2017-Knightrix

Code for the 2017-2018 Knightrix FTC season
2 stars 1 forks source link

Move robot using encoders #3

Closed ibravo closed 6 years ago

ibravo commented 6 years ago

For the autonomous drive, drive a distance using the encoders either by:

  1. Driving using encoders.
  2. Driving using power, but checking status of encoders.
ibravo commented 6 years ago

Discussed with @nicolasbravo to modify power based on distance to X axis

ibravo commented 6 years ago

Drive using power and distance to move back and forward. If encoders don't move for one second, assumes robot reached position.

Closed f9f743548c11e2fb038dbae2896f7b6bef6cad2c