FTC7393 / FtcRobotController

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Log File In Auto #58

Closed robot256 closed 1 year ago

robot256 commented 1 year ago

This is getting ridiculous, we need a log file in auto ASAP. Can someone please make the SparkyMecanumDrive.update() function we call in all the autoOp wait loops do a log file entry at the end of it?

Start by logging the Roadrunner X, Y, and heading measurements (state).

robot256 commented 1 year ago

Autocomplete context informed me that Qualcomm has their own DataLogger class now. It's very simple. I prototyped an implementation. See https://github.com/FTC7393/FtcRobotController/commit/7519214ea58c25d66234c1ce2c44a9e6759d10dd

A couple other things from that commit are useful too, like making SparkyMecanumDrive drive a member of the opmode so we don't have to pass it as arguments.

robot256 commented 1 year ago

Then we need Roadrunner pose error, Lift (setpoint, encoder, limit switch), Fetcher (setpoint, encoder, limit switch, useOffset, pauseFetcher), Curent position for servos Placer, Dropper, Lever, Grabber, Dropper limit switch.

TheDeveloper101 commented 1 year ago

currently working on adding logging everywhere

TheDeveloper101 commented 1 year ago

finally finished omg