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IKON Website #4

Open jessebenjamin opened 4 years ago

jessebenjamin commented 4 years ago

Website Design

Website Content (top to bottom):


Software -- IKON Visualization Software https://github.com/FUB-HCC/IKON -- IKON Ontology https://github.com/FUB-HCC/IKON-ontology

Publications --https://www.mi.fu-berlin.de/en/inf/groups/hcc/research/publications/index.html (filter "IKON", and for completeness also "Jesse Josua Benjamin" and "Christoph Kinkeldey")

avvinter commented 4 years ago

with a slightly roman lapidar R and a t from Gill: https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/Aller

avvinter commented 4 years ago

IKON-Webseite-1-1.pdf IKON-Webseite-1-2.pdf