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Validation of results in qualitative and mixed methods research #46

Open simonsimson opened 3 years ago

simonsimson commented 3 years ago

Question from one of your colleagues posted on Discord, but relevant for all:

"We have a question about the validation of result. We currently have no idea of how to check the validity of our narrative frames at the end. I can somehow imagine that the comparison between qualitative and quantitative approach somehow balance the reliability and validity, but it seems lack the scientific rigor. Do you have advice for that? Thank you"

Answer from @simonsimson : "Thank you for this important question. The answer very much depends on the research design of the study. In your case, you operationalize a mixed methods approach, but the inferential process (interpretation) is primarily qualitative. I would suggest, therefore, to stick with validation methods used in qualitative research (using both, quantitative and qualitative methods of validation is too comprehensive for the scope of the study at hand."

You can find some information on qualitative validation in mixed methods studies here:

Morse, Janice M., Michael Barrett, Maria Mayan, Karin Olson, and Jude Spiers. “Verification Strategies for Establishing Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research.” International Journal of Qualitative Methods 1, no. 2 (June 1, 2002): 13–22. https://doi.org/10.1177/160940690200100202.

Venkatesh, Viswanath, Susan A. Brown, and Hillol Bala. “Bridging the Qualitative-Quantitative Divide: Guidelines for Conducting Mixed Methods Research in Information Systems.” MIS Quarterly 37, no. 1 (2013): 21–54.

Viswanath Venkatesh, Sue Brown, Yulia Sullivan. “Guidelines for Conducting Mixed-Methods Research: An Extension and Illustration.” Journal of the Association for Information Systems 17, no. 7 (August 2016): 435–94. https://doi.org/10.17705/1jais.00433.

All the 3 papers were added as PDFs to Whiteboard (resources / seminar-project-related / validation-in-quali-research.