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Coupling RotorSE with FLORIS resulting in messy code - how to improve? #72

Closed pgebraad closed 9 years ago

pgebraad commented 9 years ago


I have a working code of a coupling of RotorSE/CCBlade with my FLORIS wake mode. I have tried to use some FUSED-wind standards. It is illustrated in attached figure. The code is below.

RotorSE/CCBlade computes the axial induction and C_P of each rotor, and feeds those factors into the FLORIS wake model, which calculates effective wind speeds and powers at each turbine. Depending on thpse effective wind speeds, the C_P and axial induction may change -- this feedback of wind speeds is not implemented yet however. Now, it works for below-rated only (constant TSR).

The code is very 'awkward' and messy I think. Mainly because of three reasons:

If you could give me some feedback on how I could create a better implementation of this idea, that would be great!

The code consists of three files: ExampleCall_florisRotorSE.py - Builds and runs an assembly of CCBladed models (one for each turbine), defines all the turbine properties, and runs the FLORIS wake model. floris.py - contains the FLORIS wake model florisRotorSE.py - contains some building blocks needed for the coupling

============== ExampleCall_florisRotorSE.py =================================

Builds and runs an assembly of CCBladed models and FLORIS wake model

from openmdao.main.api import Assembly from floris import FLORIS from florisRotorSE import AeroelasticHAWTVT_CCBlade, CCBladeAeroelasticHAWTVT, CCBladeCoefficients, AeroelasticHAWTVT_floris import os import numpy as np

Define flow properties

freestream_wind_speed = 8.0 # m/s air_density = 1.1716 # kg/m^3 wind_direction = 30 # deg viscosity = 1.81206e-5

define turbine positions

turbineX = np.array([1164.7, 947.2, 1682.4, 1464.9, 1982.6, 2200.1]) turbineY = np.array([1024.7, 1335.3, 1387.2, 1697.8, 2060.3, 1749.7])

create wind plant consisting of AeroelasticHAWTVT_floris turbines

florisWindPlant = FLORIS() for turbI in range(0,turbineX.size): wt = AeroelasticHAWTVT_floris()

wt.name = 'turbine%s' % turbI
wt.position = np.array([turbineX[turbI], turbineY[turbI]])

# AeroelasticHAWTVT inputs
wt.turbine_name = 'NREL 5-MW baseline turbine'

wt.rotor_diameter = 126.4
wt.rotor_area = 0.25*np.pi*wt.rotor_diameter*wt.rotor_diameter
wt.yaw = 0.0


create wind plant consisting of AeroelasticHAWTVT_floris turbines

FLORISplusCCBlade = Assembly() FLORISplusCCBlade.add('floris',florisWindPlant)

add CCBlade model for each turbine, and define workflow (first all CCBlade runs, then FLORIS)

workflow = [] for turbineI in range(0,turbineX.size): ccbladeName = 'CCblade%s' % turbineI FLORISplusCCBlade.add(ccbladeName,CCBladeCoefficients()) workflow.append(ccbladeName) workflow.append('floris') print workflow


for turbineI in range(0,turbineX.size):

# connect CCblade-predicted axial induction and CP to FLORIS
florisTurbine = "floris.wt_layout.turbine%s" % turbineI
FLORISplusCCBlade.connect("CCblade%s.CP" % turbineI, "%s.CP" % florisTurbine)
FLORISplusCCBlade.connect("CCblade%s.axial_induction" % turbI, "%s.axial_induction" % florisTurbine)

# define rotor properties for CCBlade
ccbladeName = 'CCblade%s' % turbineI
ccblade = getattr(FLORISplusCCBlade,ccbladeName)
wt = ccblade.turbine

wt.name = 'turbine%s' % turbI
wt.position = np.array([turbineX[turbI], turbineY[turbI]])
wt.turbine_name = 'NREL 5-MW baseline turbine'
wt.rotor_diameter = 126.4
wt.rotor_area = 0.25*np.pi*wt.rotor_diameter*wt.rotor_diameter # TODO: remove double definitions
wt.tip_radius = 63.2 # TODO: remove double definitions
wt.hub_radius = 1.5
wt.nblades = 3  # number of blades
wt.hub_height = 90.0
wt.tilt_angle = 5.0
wt.cone_angle = 2.5
# CCblade inputs
wt.nSector = 8
wt.radial_locations = np.array([2.8667, 5.6000, 8.3333, 11.7500, 15.8500, 19.9500, 24.0500, 28.1500,
                                32.2500, 36.3500, 40.4500, 44.5500, 48.6500, 52.7500, 56.1667, 58.9000, 61.6333])
wt.chord = np.array([3.542, 3.854, 4.167, 4.557, 4.652, 4.458, 4.249, 4.007, 3.748,
                     3.502, 3.256, 3.010, 2.764, 2.518, 2.313, 2.086, 1.419])
wt.theta = np.array([13.308, 13.308, 13.308, 13.308, 11.480, 10.162, 9.011, 7.795,
                     6.544, 5.361, 4.188, 3.125, 2.319, 1.526, 0.863, 0.370, 0.106])
# define airfoil
basePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '5MW_AFFiles')
airfoil_types = ['Cylinder1.dat','Cylinder2.dat','DU40_A17.dat','DU35_A17.dat','DU30_A17.dat','DU25_A17.dat','DU21_A17.dat','NACA64_A17.dat']
af_idx = [0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7] # place at appropriate radial stations
wt.airfoil_files = [basePath]*len(wt.radial_locations)
for i in range(len(wt.radial_locations)):
    wt.airfoil_files[i] = os.path.join(basePath,airfoil_types[af_idx[i]])
# flow
    wt.wind_speed_hub = np.array([freestream_wind_speed])
    wt.air_density = air_density
    wt.viscosity = viscosity
# control DOFs
wt.yaw = 0.0
wt.pitch = np.array([0.0])
tsr = 7.55
wt.rotor_speed = wt.wind_speed_hub*tsr/wt.tip_radius * 30.0/np.pi

ccblade.turbine = wt

setattr(FLORISplusCCBlade, ccbladeName, ccblade)

Define flow properties in FLORIS

FLORISplusCCBlade.floris.wind_speed = freestream_wind_speed # m/s FLORISplusCCBlade.floris.air_density = air_density # kg/m^3 FLORISplusCCBlade.floris.wind_direction = wind_direction # deg


print the CP and axial induction of each turbine

for turbineI in range(0,turbineX.size): florisTurbine = "turbine%s" % turbineI print getattr(FLORISplusCCBlade.floris.wt_layout,florisTurbine).axial_induction print getattr(FLORISplusCCBlade.floris.wt_layout,florisTurbine).CP

============= floris.py ====================== from fusedwind.plant_flow.comp import GenericWindFarm, GenericFlowModel from openmdao.lib.datatypes.api import Array, Float, VarTree from openmdao.main.api import VariableTree

import numpy as np

class FLORISParameters(VariableTree): """Container of FLORIS wake parameters"""

pP = Float(1.88, iotype='in')
ke = Float(0.065, iotype='in')
keCorrDA = Float(0, iotype='in')
kd = Float(0.15, iotype='in')
me = Array(np.array([-0.5,0.22,1.0]), iotype='in')
MU = Array(np.array([0.5,1.0,5.5]), iotype='in')
ad = Float(-4.5, iotype='in')
bd = Float(-0.01, iotype='in')
aU = Float(5.0, iotype='in', units='deg')
bU = Float(1.66, iotype='in')

class FLORIS(GenericWindFarm, GenericFlowModel): """Evaluates the FLORIS model and gives the FLORIS-predicted powers of the turbines at locations turbineX, turbineY, and, optionally, the FLORIS-predicted velocities at locations (velX,velY)"""

parameters = VarTree(FLORISParameters(), iotype='in')

def execute(self):

    # rename inputs and outputs
    Vinf = self.wind_speed                               # from standard FUSED-WIND GenericWindFarm component
    windDirection = self.wind_direction*np.pi/180        # from standard FUSED-WIND GenericWindFarm component
    rho = self.air_density

    rotorDiameter = self.wt_layout.wt_array(attr='rotor_diameter') # from standard FUSED-WIND GenericWindFarm component
    rotorArea = self.wt_layout.wt_array(attr='rotor_area')         # from standard FUSED-WIND GenericWindFarm component
    yaw = self.wt_layout.wt_array(attr='yaw')
    Cp = self.wt_layout.wt_array(attr='CP')
    axialInd = self.wt_layout.wt_array(attr='axial_induction')

    positions = self.wt_layout.wt_array(attr='position')
    turbineX = positions[:, 0]
    turbineY = positions[:, 1]

    if self.ws_positions.any():
        velX = self.ws_positions[:, 0]
        velY = self.ws_positions[:, 1]
        velX = np.zeros([0,0])
        velY = np.zeros([0,0])

    pP = self.parameters.pP
    ke = self.parameters.ke
    keCorrDA = self.parameters.keCorrDA
    kd = self.parameters.kd
    me = self.parameters.me
    MU = self.parameters.MU
    ad = self.parameters.ad
    bd = self.parameters.bd
    aU = self.parameters.aU
    bU = self.parameters.bU

    # find size of arrays
    nTurbines = turbineX.size
    nLocations = velX.size

    # convert to downwind-crosswind coordinates
    rotationMatrix = np.array([(np.cos(-windDirection), -np.sin(-windDirection)),
                               (np.sin(-windDirection), np.cos(-windDirection))])
    turbineLocations = np.dot(rotationMatrix,np.array([turbineX,turbineY]))
    turbineX = turbineLocations[0]
    turbineY = turbineLocations[1]

    if velX.size>0:
        locations = np.dot(rotationMatrix,np.array([velX,velY]))
        velX = locations[0]
        velY = locations[1]

    # calculate y-location of wake centers
    wakeCentersY = np.zeros((nLocations,nTurbines))
    wakeCentersYT = np.zeros((nTurbines,nTurbines))
    for turb in range(0,nTurbines):
        wakeAngleInit = 0.5*np.power(np.cos(yaw[turb]),2)*np.sin(yaw[turb])*4*axialInd[turb]*(1-axialInd[turb])
        for loc in range(0,nLocations):  # at velX-locations
            deltax = np.maximum(velX[loc]-turbineX[turb],0)
            factor = (2*kd*deltax/rotorDiameter[turb])+1
            wakeCentersY[loc,turb] = turbineY[turb]
            wakeCentersY[loc,turb] = wakeCentersY[loc,turb] + ad+bd*deltax  # rotation-induced deflection
            wakeCentersY[loc,turb] = wakeCentersY[loc,turb] + \
                                     (wakeAngleInit*(15*np.power(factor,4)+np.power(wakeAngleInit,2))/((30*kd*np.power(factor,5))/rotorDiameter[turb]))-(wakeAngleInit*rotorDiameter[turb]*(15+np.power(wakeAngleInit,4))/(30*kd)) # yaw-induced deflection
        for turbI in range(0,nTurbines):  # at turbineX-locations
            deltax = np.maximum(turbineX[turbI]-turbineX[turb],0)
            factor = (2*kd*deltax/rotorDiameter[turb])+1
            wakeCentersYT[turbI,turb] = turbineY[turb]
            wakeCentersYT[turbI,turb] = wakeCentersYT[turbI,turb] + ad+bd*deltax  # rotation-induced deflection
            wakeCentersYT[turbI,turb] = wakeCentersYT[turbI,turb] + \
                                        (wakeAngleInit*(15*np.power(factor,4)+np.power(wakeAngleInit,4))/((30*kd*np.power(factor,5))/rotorDiameter[turb]))-(wakeAngleInit*rotorDiameter[turb]*(15+np.power(wakeAngleInit,4))/(30*kd)) # yaw-induced deflection

    # calculate wake zone diameters at velX-locations
    wakeDiameters = np.zeros((nLocations,nTurbines,3))
    wakeDiametersT = np.zeros((nTurbines,nTurbines,3))
    for turb in range(0,nTurbines):
        for loc in range(0,nLocations):  # at velX-locations
            deltax = velX[loc]-turbineX[turb]
            for zone in range(0,3):
                wakeDiameters[loc,turb,zone] = rotorDiameter[turb]+2*ke*me[zone]*np.maximum(deltax,0)
        for turbI in range(0,nTurbines):  # at turbineX-locations
            deltax = turbineX[turbI]-turbineX[turb]
            for zone in range(0,3):
                wakeDiametersT[turbI,turb,zone] = np.maximum(rotorDiameter[turb]+2*ke*me[zone]*deltax,0)

    # calculate overlap areas at rotors
    # wakeOverlapT(TURBI,TURB,ZONEI) = overlap area of zone ZONEI of wake
    # of turbine TURB with rotor of turbine TURBI
    wakeOverlapT = calcOverlapAreas(turbineX,turbineY,rotorDiameter,wakeDiametersT,wakeCentersYT)

    # make overlap relative to rotor area (maximum value should be 1)
    wakeOverlapTRel = wakeOverlapT
    for turb in range(0,nTurbines):
        wakeOverlapTRel[turb] = wakeOverlapTRel[turb]/rotorArea[turb]

    # array effects with full or partial wake overlap:
    # use overlap area of zone 1+2 of upstream turbines to correct ke
    # Note: array effects only taken into account in calculating
    # velocity deficits, in order not to over-complicate code
    # (avoid loops in calculating overlaps)

    keUncorrected = ke
    ke = np.zeros(nTurbines)
    for turb in range(0,nTurbines):
        s = np.sum(wakeOverlapTRel[turb,:,0]+wakeOverlapTRel[turb,:,1])
        ke[turb] = keUncorrected*(1+s*keCorrDA)

    # calculate velocities in full flow field (optional)
    self.ws_array = np.tile(Vinf,nLocations)
    for turb in range(0,nTurbines):
        mU = MU/np.cos(aU*np.pi/180+bU*yaw[turb])
        for loc in range(0,nLocations):
            deltax = velX[loc] - turbineX[turb]
            radiusLoc = abs(velY[loc]-wakeCentersY[loc,turb])
            axialIndAndNearRotor = 2*axialInd[turb]

            if deltax > 0 and radiusLoc < wakeDiameters[loc,turb,0]/2.0:    # check if in zone 1
                reductionFactor = axialIndAndNearRotor*\
            elif deltax > 0 and radiusLoc < wakeDiameters[loc,turb,1]/2.0:    # check if in zone 2
                reductionFactor = axialIndAndNearRotor*\
            elif deltax > 0 and radiusLoc < wakeDiameters[loc,turb,2]/2.0:    # check if in zone 3
                reductionFactor = axialIndAndNearRotor*\
            elif deltax <= 0 and radiusLoc < rotorDiameter[turb]/2.0:     # check if axial induction zone in front of rotor
                reductionFactor = axialIndAndNearRotor*(0.5+np.arctan(2.0*np.minimum(0,deltax)/(rotorDiameter[turb]))/np.pi)
                reductionFactor = 0
            self.ws_array[loc] *= (1-reductionFactor)

    # find effective wind speeds at downstream turbines, then predict power downstream turbine
    self.velocitiesTurbines = np.tile(Vinf,nTurbines)

    for turbI in range(0,nTurbines):

        # find overlap-area weighted effect of each wake zone
        wakeEffCoeff = 0
        for turb in range(0,nTurbines):

            wakeEffCoeffPerZone = 0
            deltax = turbineX[turbI] - turbineX[turb]

            if deltax > 0:
                mU = MU / np.cos(aU*np.pi/180 + bU*yaw[turb])
                for zone in range(0,3):
                    wakeEffCoeffPerZone = wakeEffCoeffPerZone + np.power((rotorDiameter[turb])/(rotorDiameter[turb]+2*ke[turb]*mU[zone]*deltax),2.0) * wakeOverlapTRel[turbI,turb,zone]

                wakeEffCoeff = wakeEffCoeff + np.power(axialInd[turb]*wakeEffCoeffPerZone,2.0)

        wakeEffCoeff = (1 - 2 * np.sqrt(wakeEffCoeff))

        # multiply the inflow speed with the wake coefficients to find effective wind speed at turbine
        self.velocitiesTurbines[turbI] *= wakeEffCoeff

    # find turbine powers
    self.wt_power = np.power(self.velocitiesTurbines,3.0) * (0.5*rho*rotorArea*Cp*np.power(np.cos(yaw),pP))
    self.wt_power /= 1000  # in kW
    self.power = np.sum(self.wt_power)

def calcOverlapAreas(turbineX,turbineY,rotorDiameter,wakeDiameters,wakeCenters): """calculate overlap of rotors and wake zones (wake zone location defined by wake center and wake diameter) turbineX,turbineY is x,y-location of center of rotor

wakeOverlap(TURBI,TURB,ZONEI) = overlap area of zone ZONEI of wake of turbine TURB with rotor of downstream turbine

nTurbines = turbineY.size

wakeOverlap = np.zeros((nTurbines,nTurbines,3))

for turb in range(0,nTurbines):
    for turbI in range(0,nTurbines):
        if turbineX[turbI] > turbineX[turb]:
            OVdYd = wakeCenters[turbI,turb]-turbineY[turbI]
            OVr = rotorDiameter[turbI]/2
            for zone in range(0,3):
                OVR = wakeDiameters[turbI,turb,zone]/2
                OVdYd = abs(OVdYd)
                if OVdYd != 0:
                    OVL = (-np.power(OVr,2.0)+np.power(OVR,2.0)+np.power(OVdYd,2.0))/(2.0*OVdYd)
                    OVL = 0

                OVz = np.power(OVR,2.0)-np.power(OVL,2.0)

                if OVz > 0:
                    OVz = np.sqrt(OVz)
                    OVz = 0

                if OVdYd < (OVr+OVR):
                    if OVL < OVR and (OVdYd-OVL) < OVr:
                        wakeOverlap[turbI,turb,zone] = np.power(OVR,2.0)*np.arccos(OVL/OVR) + np.power(OVr,2.0)*np.arccos((OVdYd-OVL)/OVr) - OVdYd*OVz
                    elif OVR > OVr:
                        wakeOverlap[turbI,turb,zone] = np.pi*np.power(OVr,2.0)
                        wakeOverlap[turbI,turb,zone] = np.pi*np.power(OVR,2.0)
                    wakeOverlap[turbI,turb,zone] = 0

for turb in range(0,nTurbines):
    for turbI in range(0,nTurbines):
        wakeOverlap[turbI,turb,2] = wakeOverlap[turbI,turb,2]-wakeOverlap[turbI,turb,1]
        wakeOverlap[turbI,turb,1] = wakeOverlap[turbI,turb,1]-wakeOverlap[turbI,turb,0]

return wakeOverlap

================= florisRotorSE.py ==================== from openmdao.main.api import Assembly, Component from openmdao.lib.datatypes.api import Array, Float, Bool, Int, List, Str, VarTree

from rotorse.rotoraerodefaults import CCBlade from rotorse.rotoraero import Coefficients from floris import FLORIS from fusedwind.turbine.turbine_vt import AeroelasticHAWTVT from fusedwind.plant_flow.comp import GenericWindFarm from floris import FLORIS

import os import numpy as np

class AeroelasticHAWTVT_floris(AeroelasticHAWTVT):

inherits from AeroelasticHAWTVT:

# turbine_name
# rotor_diameter
# and other parameters that are not used:
#   nblades
#   hub_height
#   tilt_angle
#   cone_angle
#   hub_radius
CP = Array(np.array([0.5926]), iotype='in',desc='power coefficient')
axial_induction = Array(np.array([0.333]), iotype='in',desc='axial induction')
position = Array(iotype='in', units='m',desc='position')
rotor_area = Float(iotype='in', units='m*m', desc='rotor swept area')
name = Str(iotype='in', desc='turbine tag in wind plant')
yaw = Float(iotype='in', desc='yaw error', units='deg')

class AeroelasticHAWTVT_CCBlade(AeroelasticHAWTVT): """ AeroelasticHAWTVT with extra CCblade inputs and control inputs"""

# inherits from AeroelasticHAWTVT:
# turbine_name
# rotor_diameter
# nblades = 3 --> B
# hub_height = 90.0 --> hubHt
# tilt_angle --> tilt
# cone_angle --> precone
# hub_radius --> Rhub

# flow
tip_radius = Float(iotype='in', units='m', desc='tip radius') # Rtip
wind_speed_hub = Array(iotype='in', units='m/s', desc='hub height wind speed') # Uhub
air_density = Float(1.225, iotype='in', units='kg/m**3', desc='density of air') # rho
dynamic_viscosity = Float(1.81206e-5, iotype='in', units='kg/(m*s)', desc='dynamic viscosity of air') # mu
shear_exponent = Float(0.2, iotype='in', desc='shear exponent') # shearExp

# CCblade inputs
radial_locations = Array(iotype='in', units='m', desc='radial locations where blade is defined (should be increasing and not go all the way to hub or tip)') #r
chord = Array(iotype='in', units='m', desc='chord length at each section')
theta = Array(iotype='in', units='deg', desc='twist angle at each section (positive decreases angle of attack)')
precurve = Array(iotype='in', units='m', desc='precurve at each section')
precurveTip = Float(0.0, iotype='in', units='m', desc='precurve at tip')
airfoil_files = List(Str, iotype='in', desc='names of airfoil file')
nSector = Int(4, iotype='in', desc='number of sectors to divide rotor face into in computing thrust and power')
tiploss = Bool(True, iotype='in', desc='include Prandtl tip loss model')
hubloss = Bool(True, iotype='in', desc='include Prandtl hub loss model')
wakerotation = Bool(True, iotype='in', desc='include effect of wake rotation (i.e., tangential induction factor is nonzero)')
usecd = Bool(True, iotype='in', desc='use drag coefficient in computing induction factors')

# control DOFs
yaw = Float(iotype='in', desc='yaw error', units='deg')
pitch = Array(iotype='in', desc='blade pitch angle', units='deg')
rotor_speed = Array(iotype='in', desc='rotor speed', units='rpm') #Omega

class CCBladeAeroelasticHAWTVT(Assembly): """ CCBlade that takes AeroelasticHAWTVT_CCBlade as input """

turbine = VarTree(AeroelasticHAWTVT_CCBlade(), iotype='in')
power = Array(iotype='out', desc='rotor power', units='W')
thrust = Array(iotype='out', desc='aerodynamic thrust on rotor', units='N')
torque = Array(iotype='out', desc='aerodynamic torque on rotor', units='N*m')

def configure(self):

    self.add("CCBlade", CCBlade())


    self.CCBlade.run_case = 'power'

    self.connect("turbine.nblades", "CCBlade.B")
    self.connect("turbine.hub_height", "CCBlade.hubHt")
    self.connect("turbine.tilt_angle", "CCBlade.tilt")
    self.connect("turbine.cone_angle", "CCBlade.precone")
    self.connect("turbine.hub_radius", "CCBlade.Rhub")
    self.connect("turbine.tip_radius", "CCBlade.Rtip")
    self.connect("turbine.wind_speed_hub", "CCBlade.Uhub")
    self.connect("turbine.air_density", "CCBlade.rho")
    self.connect("turbine.dynamic_viscosity", "CCBlade.mu")
    self.connect("turbine.shear_exponent", "CCBlade.shearExp")
    self.connect("turbine.radial_locations", "CCBlade.r")
    self.connect("turbine.chord", "CCBlade.chord")
    self.connect("turbine.theta", "CCBlade.theta")
    self.connect("turbine.precurve", "CCBlade.precurve")
    self.connect("turbine.precurveTip", "CCBlade.precurveTip")
    self.connect("turbine.airfoil_files", "CCBlade.airfoil_files")
    self.connect("turbine.nSector", "CCBlade.nSector")
    self.connect("turbine.tiploss", "CCBlade.tiploss")
    self.connect("turbine.hubloss", "CCBlade.hubloss")
    self.connect("turbine.wakerotation", "CCBlade.wakerotation")
    self.connect("turbine.usecd", "CCBlade.usecd")
    self.connect("turbine.yaw", "CCBlade.yaw")
    self.connect("turbine.pitch", "CCBlade.pitch")
    self.connect("turbine.rotor_speed", "CCBlade.Omega")

    self.connect("CCBlade.P", "power")
    self.connect("CCBlade.T", "thrust")
    self.connect("CCBlade.Q", "torque")

class CCBladeCoefficients(Assembly): """ Couples components with CCBlade so that it outputs CP and CT coefficients and axial-induction factor takes AeroelasticHAWTVT_CCBlade as input """

turbine = VarTree(AeroelasticHAWTVT_CCBlade(), iotype='in')

CP = Array(iotype='out', desc='power coefficient')
axial_induction = Array(iotype='out', desc='axial induction')

def configure(self):
    """ Creates a new Assembly containing a Paraboloid component"""

    self.add("CCBlade", CCBladeAeroelasticHAWTVT())
    self.add("Coefficients", Coefficients())
    self.add("CTtoAxialInd", CTtoAxialInd())

    self.driver.workflow.add(['CCBlade', 'Coefficients', 'CTtoAxialInd'])

    self.connect("turbine", "CCBlade.turbine")
    self.connect("CCBlade.power", "Coefficients.P")
    self.connect("CCBlade.thrust", "Coefficients.T")
    self.connect("CCBlade.torque", "Coefficients.Q")
    self.connect("turbine.wind_speed_hub", "Coefficients.V")
    self.connect("turbine.tip_radius", "Coefficients.R")
    self.connect("turbine.air_density", "Coefficients.rho")
    self.connect("Coefficients.CT", "CTtoAxialInd.CT")
    self.connect("Coefficients.CP", "CP")
    self.connect("CTtoAxialInd.axial_induction", "axial_induction")


class CTtoAxialInd(Component): """Convert thrust coefficient to axial induction factor"""

CT = Array(iotype='in')
axial_induction = Array(iotype='out')

def execute(self):
    self.axial_induction = 0.5*(1-np.sqrt(1-self.CT))
fzahle commented 9 years ago

Could you put this code in a gist instead, since its now a mix of markdown formatted text and code

pgebraad commented 9 years ago

Frederik and Pierre suggested to use an approach with a case iterator and a aggregator. I will try that - with that. I am closing the issue.