FVL2020 / ICCV-2023-MB-TaylorFormer

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The Y channel (YCrCb) should not be used to measure PSNR #8

Closed Owen718 closed 7 months ago

Owen718 commented 7 months ago

The Y channel of YCRCB should not be used to measure PSNR for image dehazing methods.

It's unfair for other methods and future works.

Owen718 commented 7 months ago

I noticed that the authors did not clarify in their paper the method they used for measuring PSNR. It can be observed in the code that they used the Y channel of YCrCb for PSNR measurement, which is obviously unfair. Measuring PSNR using the Y channel of YCrCb results in significantly higher PSNR values compared to measurements taken in RGB format.

raindrop313 commented 7 months ago

@Owen718 Sorry for the misunderstanding, but we are not using the program evaluate_PSNR_SSIM.m.

If you want to test PSNR/SSIM, use the command "python dehazing/test.py", this program calculates PSNR on RGB.


Owen718 commented 7 months ago

Okay, thanks for your response !