FWGS / xash3d

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Cannot startup dedicated server from in-game. #118

Closed CrusoeDaWolf closed 8 years ago

CrusoeDaWolf commented 8 years ago

Whenever I choose the 'Dedicated Server' option within the game then choose OK, the dedicated server runs, then crashes. Here is the report:

xash_bin.exe has stopped working

Problem Details: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: xash_bin.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 566733f8 Fault Module Name: xash_sdl.dll Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 566733d3 Exception Code: c00000fd Exception Offset: 000a211e OS Version: 6.3.9600. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: ba32 Additional Information 2: ba32a2fa67226492821e355e9a966bea Additional Information 3: 22a7 Additional Information 4: 22a7d8e4116515a2995876d348e56d37

Server Log:

Xash Dedicated Server (build 3153) started at Feb29 2016 [22:16.54]

[2016:02:29|22:16:55] execing server.cfg [2016:02:29|22:16:55] Server IP address: [2016:02:29|22:16:55] Dll loaded for mod Half-Life [2016:02:29|22:16:55] Server loaded [2016:02:29|22:16:55] Spawn Server: crossfire [2016:02:29|22:16:55] execing skill.cfg [2016:02:29|22:16:55] server: GAME SKILL LEVEL:1 [2016:02:29|22:16:55] server: Executing dedicated server config file [2016:02:29|22:16:55] SV_LoadFromFile: 0 entities inhibited [2016:02:29|22:16:55] 8 player server started [2016:02:29|22:16:55] execing server.cfg [2016:02:29|22:16:55] execing config.cfg [2016:02:29|22:16:55] Sys_Crash: call 100E2C04 at address C0000005

Xash Dedicated Server (build 3153) crashed at Feb29 2016 [22:16.55]

mittorn commented 8 years ago

it seems that reinitialization was not done completely. i'll check it, but you are using old build. try download last build from appveyor (find link to transfer.sh in the end of log).

CrusoeDaWolf commented 8 years ago

It happened with the later builds as well, so it doesn't really make a difference.

mittorn commented 8 years ago

Use "-dedicated" switch before it is fixed.

mittorn commented 8 years ago

It seems to be fixed in https://github.com/SDLash3D/xash3d/commit/c223b4ba396c4f3d3e3d93f623352fa6509bf63f

CrusoeDaWolf commented 8 years ago

Alright, thank you. I know this is a bit off topic, but how can I have my server show up in the internet section of multiplayer? It only shows up in LAN. I have everything port-forwarded properly.

a1batross commented 8 years ago

Are you sure? You must send heartbeat to master server and receive a challenge.

It's easy to check in log with -dev 5. Just post here all lines starting with SV_ConnectionlessPacket.

CrusoeDaWolf commented 8 years ago

Yes, I'm sure. I've port forwarded many times. Do you want me to do -dev 5 with xash_bin or the server client?

CrusoeDaWolf commented 8 years ago

[2016:03:17|21:02:02] SV_ConnectionlessPacket: : info [2016:03:17|21:02:03] SV_ConnectionlessPacket: : getchallenge [2016:03:17|21:02:03] SV_ConnectionlessPacket: : connect [2016:03:17|21:02:03] Client 0 connecting with challenge 4B556914 [2016:03:17|21:02:03] SV_ClientConnect() [2016:03:17|21:02:03] Mod_LoadModel: models/player/gman/gman.mdl [2016:03:17|21:02:03] ucmd->new() [2016:03:17|21:02:03] ucmd->modellist() [2016:03:17|21:02:03] ucmd->soundlist() [2016:03:17|21:02:03] ucmd->eventlist() [2016:03:17|21:02:03] ucmd->lightstyles() [2016:03:17|21:02:03] ucmd->usermsgs() [2016:03:17|21:02:03] ucmd->deltainfo() [2016:03:17|21:02:03] ucmd->baselines() [2016:03:17|21:02:04] ucmd->begin() [2016:03:17|21:02:04] server: "Crusoe<1><1>" entered the game [2016:03:17|21:02:04] server(ai): Firing: (game_playerjoin) [2016:03:17|21:02:04] server(ai): Firing: (game_playerspawn) [2016:03:17|21:02:04] server(ai): Firing: (strike_timer_relay) [2016:03:17|21:02:04] server(ai): Found: trigger_relay, firing (strike_timer_relay) [2016:03:17|21:02:04] SV_RunThink: FreeEdict [2016:03:17|21:02:04] SV_RunThink: FreeEdict [2016:03:17|21:03:32] >heartbeat [2016:03:17|21:04:27] SV_RunThink: FreeEdict [2016:03:17|21:04:52] server(ai): Firing: (secret_door) [2016:03:17|21:04:52] server(ai): Found: func_button, firing (secret_door) [2016:03:17|21:05:09] server(ai): Firing: (strike_timer_mma) [2016:03:17|21:05:09] server(ai): Found: multi_manager, firing (strike_timer_mma) [2016:03:17|21:05:09] server(ai): Firing: (strike_ready_message) [2016:03:17|21:05:09] server(ai): Firing: (towers_greenlight) [2016:03:17|21:05:09] server(ai): Found: light, firing (towers_greenlight) [2016:03:17|21:05:09] server(ai): Found: light, firing (towers_greenlight) [2016:03:17|21:05:09] server(ai): Firing: (towers_redlight) [2016:03:17|21:05:09] server(ai): Found: light, firing (towers_redlight) [2016:03:17|21:05:09] server(ai): Found: light, firing (towers_redlight) [2016:03:17|21:05:09] server(ai): Firing: (towers_button_doors) [2016:03:17|21:05:09] server(ai): Firing: (strike_ready_door) [2016:03:17|21:05:09] server(ai): Found: func_door, firing (strike_ready_door) [2016:03:17|21:05:09] SV_RunThink: FreeEdict [2016:03:17|21:05:49] ucmd->disconnect() [2016:03:17|21:05:49] server(ai): Firing: (game_playerleave) [2016:03:17|21:05:49] server: "Crusoe<1><1>" disconnected [2016:03:17|21:05:52] >exit [2016:03:17|21:05:52] Shutting down... [2016:03:17|21:05:52] SV_Shutdown: Server shutdown [2016:03:17|21:05:52] Sys_FreeLibrary: Unloading dlls/hl.dll [2016:03:17|21:05:52] CL_Shutdown() [2016:03:17|21:05:52] Host_WriteGLConfig() [2016:03:17|21:05:52] Sys_FreeLibrary: Unloading wsock32.dll [2016:03:17|21:05:52] Sys_FreeLibrary: Unloading xash library

Xash Dedicated Server (build 3153) stopped at Mar17 2016 [21:05.52]

Here is the server log, which I guess is what you're looking for.

CrusoeDaWolf commented 8 years ago

Shameless bump. :'c Port 27015 is the correct port, right?

a1batross commented 8 years ago

No, I meant another lines.

You can also call heartbeat by yourself: type heartbeat in server console. This will send packet to master server, if you don't playing singleplayer or LAN game.

CrusoeDaWolf commented 8 years ago

Hold up. Please explain from the beginning. I just compiled Xash3D from the Github source, so I have a completely clean folder to work with now. The port I have open is 27015, which I believe is the correct port needed. I created a shortcut with the following parameters: "-dedicated -dev 5" Once the server has started up, I type in "heartbeat" Server gives me this:

heartbeat SV_ConnectionlessPacket: : info

Am I also supposed to port forward to 27005 AND 27015?

mittorn commented 8 years ago

It should be fixed in code-clean2 branch and in appveyor/travis builds form pull requests

CrusoeDaWolf commented 8 years ago

Alright. I'll get the build from code-clean2 branch and compile it then and see if it fixed the problem.

CrusoeDaWolf commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately, still nothing, so I'm assuming I didn't port forward correctly. I'm not sure what the problem is. Here are some extra details:

I have an Airport Extreme as my modem. I also have an Airport Express as a repeater. My computer is connected to the Airport Express through an ethernet cable.

I have two different ports open on the Airport Extreme. Port 27015 and 27005, both use my computers IPv4 address.

I have added both 27015 and 27005 (TCP and UDP) to my firewall (Windows 8.1).

Open Port Check Tool keeps saying that 27015 is closed (Connection Refused) whenever my server is running.

My server does not show up in the internet section of multiplayer even when I type in 'heartbeat' into the server console. It only shows up under LAN. I can connect from my other computer and my friend in another state can usually connect to it using my public IP.

I have tried both with and without ethernet. Still does not show up in the internet section.

I have tried with DHCP and without DHCP (Basically DMZ).

Hopefully that's enough information. :c

CrusoeDaWolf commented 8 years ago

Alright. For whatever reason, Xash is using my private IP instead of my public IP. While I was messing around in the server console, I did something like 'exec server.cfg' and I went back to the internet section in multiplayer and my server appeared in the master list. I was able to join it, then I exited out. I used the restart command in the server console and then poof; my server was gone from the master list. I've tried to do the same command again, but nothing seems to work now.

CrusoeDaWolf commented 8 years ago

Shameless bump 2. cri cri

nekonomicon commented 8 years ago

Try add "public 1" into server.cfg

CrusoeDaWolf commented 8 years ago

Oml. Thank you! You saved the day. Server shows up in master list now. c:

ghost commented 8 years ago

Mine's not showing up on my android phone internet either!

pi@raspberrypi ~/Half-Life $ ./startserver

[21:36:24] /home/pi/Half-Life is working directory now

     (build 3224) started at Mar22 2016 [21:36.24]

[21:36:24] Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading Engine Library - ok [21:36:24] FS_AddGameDirectory( ./, 0 ) [21:36:24] FS_Init: done [21:36:24] FS_LoadGameInfo( valve ) [21:36:24] FS_Rescan( Half-Life ) [21:36:24] FS_AddGameDirectory( valve/downloaded/, 10 ) [21:36:24] FS_AddGameDirectory( valve/, 4 ) [21:36:24] Adding wadfile valve/cached.wad (2 files) [21:36:24] Adding wadfile valve/decals.wad (222 files) [21:36:24] Adding wadfile valve/fonts.wad (3 files) [21:36:24] Adding wadfile valve/gfx.wad (7 files) [21:36:24] Adding wadfile valve/halflife.wad (3116 files) [21:36:24] Adding wadfile valve/liquids.wad (32 files) [21:36:24] Adding wadfile valve/spraypaint.wad (14 files) [21:36:24] Adding wadfile valve/xeno.wad (264 files) [21:36:24] FS_AddGameDirectory( valve/custom/, 10 ) [21:36:24] InitDecals: 222 decals [21:36:24] NET_Init() [21:36:26] execing server.cfg [21:36:26] couldn't exec listip.cfg [21:36:26] couldn't exec banned.cfg [21:36:26] NET_UDPSocket( localhost, 27015 ) [21:36:26] Server IP address: [21:36:26] SV_LoadProgs: ^2initailized extended EntityAPI ^7ver. 140 [21:36:26] Dll loaded for mod Half-Life [21:36:26] SV: hull0, player_mins: -16 -16 -36, player_maxs: 16 16 36 [21:36:26] SV: hull1, player_mins: -16 -16 -18, player_maxs: 16 16 18 [21:36:26] SV: hull2, player_mins: 0 0 0, player_maxs: 0 0 0 [21:36:26] Server loaded [21:36:26] Spawn Server: undertow [21:36:26] Mod_LoadModel: maps/undertow.bsp [21:36:27] SV_SpawnEntities( undertow ) [21:36:27] execing skill.cfg [21:36:27] couldn't exec game.cfg [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/voiceicon.spr [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: VoiceMask (size == 8) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: ReqState (size == 0) [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_suit.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_battery.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_antidote.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_security.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_longjump.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/v_shotgun.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_shotgun.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/p_shotgun.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/shotgunshell.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_shotbox.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/v_crowbar.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_crowbar.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/p_crowbar.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/v_9mmhandgun.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_9mmhandgun.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/p_9mmhandgun.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/shell.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_9mmclip.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/v_9mmAR.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_9mmAR.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/p_9mmAR.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/grenade.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_9mmARclip.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_ARgrenade.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/v_357.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_357.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/p_357.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_357ammobox.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_gauss.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/v_gauss.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/p_gauss.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/hotglow.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/smoke.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_gaussammo.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_rpg.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/v_rpg.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/p_rpg.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/laserdot.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/rpgrocket.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_rpgammo.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_crossbow.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/v_crossbow.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/p_crossbow.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/crossbow_bolt.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/streak.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_crossbow_clip.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_egon.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/v_egon.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/p_egon.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/xbeam1.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/XSpark1.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/v_tripmine.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/p_tripmine.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/v_satchel.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/v_satchel_radio.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_satchel.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/p_satchel.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/p_satchel_radio.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_grenade.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/v_grenade.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/p_grenade.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_sqknest.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/v_squeak.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/p_squeak.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_squeak.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/v_hgun.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_hgun.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/p_hgun.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/hornet.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/muz1.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/laserbeam.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/w_weaponbox.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/zerogxplode.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/WXplo1.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/steam1.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/bubble.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/bloodspray.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/blood.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/explode1.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/player.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/hgibs.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: models/agibs.mdl [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/glow04.spr [21:36:27] SV_LoadFromFile: 0 entities inhibited [21:36:27] Total 200 entities spawned [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/muzzleflash.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/muzzleflash1.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/muzzleflash2.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/muzzleflash3.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/animglow01.spr [21:36:27] Mod_LoadModel: sprites/richo1.spr [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: SelAmmo (size == 4) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: CurWeapon (size == 3) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: Geiger (size == 1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: Flashlight (size == 2) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: FlashBat (size == 1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: Health (size == 1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: Damage (size == 12) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: Battery (size == 2) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: Train (size == 1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: HudText (size == -1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: SayText (size == -1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: TextMsg (size == -1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: WeaponList (size == -1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: ResetHUD (size == 1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: InitHUD (size == 0) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: GameTitle (size == 1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: DeathMsg (size == -1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: ScoreInfo (size == 9) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: TeamInfo (size == -1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: TeamScore (size == -1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: GameMode (size == 1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: MOTD (size == -1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: ServerName (size == -1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: AmmoPickup (size == 2) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: WeapPickup (size == 1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: ItemPickup (size == -1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: HideWeapon (size == 1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: SetFOV (size == 1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: ShowMenu (size == -1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: ScreenShake (size == 6) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: ScreenFade (size == 10) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: AmmoX (size == 2) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: TeamNames (size == -1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: StatusText (size == -1) [21:36:27] ^3Added user message: StatusValue (size == 3) [21:36:27] 24 player server started [21:36:27] Adding your server to master server list [21:36:27] execing config.cfg [21:36:28] SV_ConnectionlessPacket: : s [21:36:28] SV_ConnectionlessPacket: : s status [21:37:52] SV_ConnectionlessPacket: : info

ghost commented 8 years ago

Nevermind missed the code2 comment

a1batross commented 8 years ago

@nekonomicon This was so close...

Anyway, tonight I saw your "Crusoe's Server" in list, so issue can be closed. :)

mittorn commented 8 years ago

bmorello, please add -fsigned-char to CFLAGS It is needed on all arm builds because char is unsignef on arm by default. it causes protocol errors. For example, i can drop all players by single chat message. or change punchangle.