FWGS / xash3d

DEPRECATED in favor of https://github.com/FWGS/xash3d-fwgs. Only bugfixes are accepted.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Hidden flashlight & settings touch overlay buttons re-appear when re-entering game (iOS) #401

Closed CyanFireUK closed 4 years ago

CyanFireUK commented 5 years ago

The flashlight & settings buttons for the touch overlay re-appear when you re-enter the game on iOS if they've been hidden previously, the settings for these buttons don't save

nekonomicon commented 5 years ago

Press done in the settings and quit in the main menu.

CyanFireUK commented 5 years ago

They still re-appear after launching the game again

nekonomicon commented 5 years ago

Try to create new touch profile.

CyanFireUK commented 5 years ago

I cannot create a new touch profile, i name it and save it but it doesn’t get created. I’m non-jb if that can cause issues

a1batross commented 4 years ago

As old engine may NOT receive updates anymore, please take a look at this issue in new engine repo.


I will close this, as no bugfix in both engine branches will be added, until someone else will become OSX/iOS maintainer and finally fix it.