FWGS / xash3d

DEPRECATED in favor of https://github.com/FWGS/xash3d-fwgs. Only bugfixes are accepted.
GNU General Public License v3.0
549 stars 107 forks source link

Where to find hl.so and metamod.so #467

Open seisdr opened 4 years ago

nekonomicon commented 4 years ago

Where to find hl.so:

  1. Steam
  2. steamcmd
  3. compile manually github version of Half-Life SDK: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/halflife
  4. compile manually FWGS fork of Half-Life SDK: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d

Where to find metamod.so:

  1. Compile manually patched metamod-p: https://github.com/mittorn/metamod-p
  2. Get patched metamod-p binary from github: https://github.com/mittorn/metamod-p/releases
  3. Get patched metamod-p binary from moddb: https://www.moddb.com/engines/xash3d-fwgs-engine/downloads/metamod-p-121p37-custom-build-for-xash3d
seisdr commented 4 years ago

Well I already have metamod.so Who gonna upload hl.so for me ;)

seisdr commented 4 years ago

That one here doesn't work https://aghl.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2438

nekonomicon commented 4 years ago

Do you need miniag?

seisdr commented 4 years ago

no I'm trying to launch this https://github.com/FWGS/xash3d/wiki/How-to-set-up-a-Xash3D-Dedicated-Server-on-Debian-or-Ubuntu

seisdr commented 4 years ago

There's hl.so inside miniag archive

a1batross commented 4 years ago

Better to recompile metamod.so because our fork of metamod-p is intended to run under Xash3D FWGS.

seisdr commented 4 years ago

I downloaded that one

Get patched metamod-p binary from moddb: https://www.moddb.com/engines/xash3d-fwgs-engine/downloads/metamod-p-121p37-custom-build-for-xash3d
[13:35:28] Cannot load xashcomm.lst
[13:35:31] execing config.cfg
[13:35:31] execing server.cfg
[13:35:31] Server IP address: loopback
[13:35:31] SV_InitGame: can't initialize "addons/metamod/dlls/metamod.so":
valve/addons/metamod/dlls/metamod.so: failed to map segment from shared object
[13:35:31] Could not spawn server!
mittorn commented 4 years ago

maybe it's some exec-restricted filesystem?

seisdr commented 4 years ago

It is

seisdr commented 4 years ago
root@localhost:~/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2# xashds
set_thread_area: Invalid argument
        Xash3D FWGS (build 1625, Linux-i386) started at Jan04 2020 [18:18.11]
[18:18:12] Cannot load xashcomm.lst
[18:18:14] server: b>[META] dev: Unable to determine engine code address range!
[18:18:14] server: [META] dev: called: GiveFnptrsToDll
[18:18:14]    Metamod version 1.21p37 Copyright (c) 2001-2013 Will Day
[18:18:14]      Patch: Metamod-P (mm-p) v37 Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Jussi Kivilinna
[18:18:14]    Metamod comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
[18:18:14]    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
[18:18:14]    under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
[18:18:14] server: [META] Metamod v1.21p37  2013/05/30
[18:18:14] server: [META] by Will Day
[18:18:14] server: [META]    http://www.metamod.org/
[18:18:14] server: [META]  Patch: Metamod-P (mm-p) v37
[18:18:14] server: [META]  by Jussi Kivilinna
[18:18:14] server: [META]     http://metamod-p.sourceforge.net/
[18:18:14] server: [META] compiled: Oct  3 2016, 13:52:27 EET (debugging)
[18:18:15] server: [META] (debug:3) set config int: debuglevel = 0
[18:18:15] server: [META] (debug:3) set config path: plugins_file = /root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/addons/metamod/plugins.ini
[18:18:15] server: [META] (debug:3) set config string: exec_cfg = addons/metamod/exec.cfg
[18:18:15] server: [META] (debug:3) set config bool: autodetect = true
[18:18:15] server: [META] (debug:3) set config bool: clientmeta = true
[18:18:15] server: [META] (debug:2) No config.ini file found: addons/metamod/config.ini
[18:18:15] server: [META] (debug:3) Failed to install gamedll from cache: file dlls/hl.so not found in cache.
[18:18:15] server: [META] (debug:3) is_gamedll(/root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/dlls/hl_i386.so): Invalid ELF.
[18:18:15] server: [META] (debug:3) is_gamedll(/root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/dlls/hl_i386.so): Invalid ELF.
[18:18:15] server: [META] WARNING: GameDLL-Autodetection: Couldn't find gamedll in '/root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/dlls'.
[18:18:15] server: [META] Recognized game 'valve'; using dllfile 'hl_i386.so'
[18:18:15] server: [META] WARNING: dll: Couldn't load game DLL /root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/dlls/hl_i386.so: /root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/dlls/hl_i386.so: undefined symbol: __cxa_pure_virtual
[18:18:15] server: [META] ERROR: Failure to load game DLL; exiting...
[18:18:15] server: [META] (debug:3) called: GetEntityAPI2; version=140
[18:18:15] server: [META] WARNING: GetEntityAPI2 called with null pFunctionTable
[18:18:15] Warning: SV_LoadProgs: interface version 140 should be 140
[18:18:15] server: [META] (debug:3) called: GetEntityAPI; version=140
[18:18:15] server: [META] WARNING: GetEntityAPI called with null pFunctionTable
[18:18:15] Error: SV_LoadProgs: couldn't get entity API
[18:18:15] execing config.cfg
[18:18:15] execing server.cfg
[18:18:15] Server IP address: loopback
[18:18:15] server: [META] dev: Unable to determine engine code address range!
[18:18:15] server: [META] dev: called: GiveFnptrsToDll
[18:18:15]    Metamod version 1.21p37 Copyright (c) 2001-2013 Will Day
[18:18:15]      Patch: Metamod-P (mm-p) v37 Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Jussi Kivilinna
[18:18:15]    Metamod comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
[18:18:15]    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
[18:18:15]    under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
[18:18:15] server: [META] Metamod v1.21p37  2013/05/30
[18:18:15] server: [META] by Will Day
[18:18:15] server: [META]    http://www.metamod.org/
[18:18:15] server: [META]  Patch: Metamod-P (mm-p) v37
[18:18:15] server: [META]  by Jussi Kivilinna
[18:18:15] server: [META]     http://metamod-p.sourceforge.net/
[18:18:15] server: [META] compiled: Oct  3 2016, 13:52:27 EET (debugging)
[18:18:16] server: [META] (debug:3) Game: valve
[18:18:16] Error: Can't register variable meta_debug, already defined
[18:18:16] Error: Can't register variable metamod_version, already defined
[18:18:16] Cmd_AddGameCommand: meta already defined
[18:18:16] server: [META] (debug:3) set config int: debuglevel = 0
[18:18:16] server: [META] (debug:3) set config path: plugins_file = /root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/addons/metamod/plugins.ini
[18:18:16] server: [META] (debug:3) set config string: exec_cfg = addons/metamod/exec.cfg
[18:18:16] server: [META] (debug:3) set config bool: autodetect = true
[18:18:16] server: [META] (debug:3) set config bool: clientmeta = true
[18:18:16] server: [META] (debug:2) No config.ini file found: addons/metamod/config.ini
[18:18:16] server: [META] (debug:3) Failed to install gamedll from cache: file dlls/hl.so not found in cache.
[18:18:16] server: [META] (debug:3) is_gamedll(/root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/dlls/hl_i386.so): Invalid ELF.
[18:18:16] server: [META] (debug:3) is_gamedll(/root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/dlls/hl_i386.so): Invalid ELF.
[18:18:16] server: [META] WARNING: GameDLL-Autodetection: Couldn't find gamedll in '/root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/dlls'.
[18:18:16] server: [META] Recognized game 'valve'; using dllfile 'hl_i386.so'
[18:18:16] server: [META] WARNING: dll: Couldn't load game DLL /root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/dlls/hl_i386.so: /root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/dlls/hl_i386.so: undefined symbol: __cxa_pure_virtual
[18:18:16] server: [META] ERROR: Failure to load game DLL; exiting...
[18:18:16] server: [META] (debug:3) called: GetEntityAPI2; version=140
[18:18:16] server: [META] WARNING: GetEntityAPI2 called with null pFunctionTable
[18:18:16] Warning: SV_LoadProgs: interface version 140 should be 140
[18:18:16] server: [META] (debug:3) called: GetEntityAPI; version=140
[18:18:16] server: [META] WARNING: GetEntityAPI called with null pFunctionTable
[18:18:16] Error: SV_LoadProgs: couldn't get entity API
[18:18:16] SV_InitGame: can't initialize "addons/metamod/dlls/metamod.so":
[18:18:16] Could not spawn server!
mittorn commented 4 years ago

Use steam game version, not some 15-20 years old archive

seisdr commented 4 years ago

The one I used has same menu xash3d has

nekonomicon commented 4 years ago

He about hl.so version.

[18:18:16] server: [META] WARNING: dll: Couldn't load game DLL /root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/dlls/hl_i386.so: /root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/dlls/hl_i386.so: undefined symbol: __cxa_pure_virtual

Just read my first post again.

mittorn commented 4 years ago

Do not use WON half-life, it may not be supported correctly by metamod and xash3d and it will not be compatible with modern clients. I think, it is possible to load this old library and it should be compatible with engine, but not with your system. You need to build compatible environment (15-20 years old linux) and port xash3d to it to load it.

seisdr commented 4 years ago

Ok I build hlsdk and metamod Now the server started but found no plugins

        Xash3D FWGS (build 1625, Linux-i386) started at Jan05 2020 [12:04.22]
[12:04:22] Cannot load xashcomm.lst
[12:04:23] server: b>[META] dev: Unable to determine engine code address range!
[12:04:23] server: [META] dev: called: GiveFnptrsToDll
[12:04:23]    Metamod version 1.21p37 Copyright (c) 2001-2013 Will Day
[12:04:23]      Patch: Metamod-P (mm-p) v37 Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Jussi Kivilinna
[12:04:23]    Metamod comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
[12:04:23]    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
[12:04:23]    under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
[12:04:23] server: [META] Metamod v1.21p37  2013/05/30
[12:04:23] server: [META] by Will Day
[12:04:23] server: [META]    http://www.metamod.org/
[12:04:23] server: [META]  Patch: Metamod-P (mm-p) v37
[12:04:23] server: [META]  by Jussi Kivilinna
[12:04:23] server: [META]     http://metamod-p.sourceforge.net/
[12:04:23] server: [META] compiled: Jan  5 2020, 11:23:58 EET (debugging)
[12:04:24] server: [META] (debug:3) set config int: debuglevel = 0
[12:04:24] server: [META] (debug:3) set config path: plugins_file = /root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/addons/metamod/plugins.ini
[12:04:24] server: [META] (debug:3) set config string: exec_cfg = addons/metamod/exec.cfg
[12:04:24] server: [META] (debug:3) set config bool: autodetect = true
[12:04:24] server: [META] (debug:3) set config bool: clientmeta = true
[12:04:24] server: [META] (debug:2) No config.ini file found: addons/metamod/config.ini
[12:04:24] server: [META] Recognized game 'valve'; using dllfile 'hl.so'
[12:04:24] server: [META] (debug:3) dll: Game 'valve': Called GiveFnptrsToDll
[12:04:24] server: [META] (debug:3) dll: Game 'valve': Found GetEntityAPI2
[12:04:24] server: [META] Game DLL for 'Half-Life Deathmatch' loaded successfully
[12:04:24] server: [META] ini: Begin reading plugins list: /root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/addons/metamod/plugins.ini
[12:04:24] server: [META] ini: Finished reading plugins list: /root/xash3d_fwgs_win32_0.19.2/valve/addons/metamod/plugins.ini; Found 0 plugins to load
[12:04:24] server: [META] WARNING: ini: Warning; no plugins found to load?
[12:04:24] server: [META] dll: Loading plugins...
[12:04:24] server: [META] dll: Finished loading 0 plugins
[12:04:24] server: [META] (debug:3) called: GetEntityAPI2; version=140
[12:04:24] Dll loaded for mod Half-Life
[12:04:24] server: [META] (debug:3) Calling hl.so:GameDLLInit()
[12:04:24] execing skill.cfg
[12:04:24] execing config.cfg
[12:04:24] execing keyboard.cfg
[12:04:24] execing server.cfg
[12:04:24] Server IP address: loopback
[12:04:24] Spawn Server: crossfire
[12:04:24] server: GAME SKILL LEVEL:1
[12:04:25] SV_LoadFromFile: 0 entities inhibited
[12:04:25] 8 player server started
seisdr commented 4 years ago



nekonomicon commented 4 years ago

Now the server started but found no plugins

Install plugins and edit plugins.ini. It's really not engine issue. You need to visit to https://forums.alliedmods.net/

seisdr commented 4 years ago

Idk there's plugins inside plugins.ini and loaded fine by pc version anyway thanks guys

mittorn commented 4 years ago

Maybe you used windows plugins before? You need linux plugins to run it on linux