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Mapping Discussion thread #7

Open FWAJL opened 9 years ago

FWAJL commented 9 years ago

Hello @damirius,

If you generic question regarding mapping or the application itself, just ask them here.

Otherwise, you can use the individual issues dedicated to the milestones you will work on (found in the FieldWorkAssistantMVC issues).

Thank you.

damirius commented 9 years ago

Hi @FWAJL I will.


FWAJL commented 9 years ago


Let me explain a bit more why I split the milestone C. In general, if a dev resource like you commit a lot of code at once, it is harder to review the code efficiently and, above all, quickly.

So I prefer having many small commits even there is a lot than one big commit. If you can do that for the future, I would be very thankful. It will help you moving to the next milestones and achieve more. I personally do that all the time. I develop a very small piece of functionality (a single method for example) and then I commit (once I'm sure it works).

Thank you for your participation and the good job so far.

damirius commented 9 years ago


No problem, I understand. We can do it like that from now on. I started working on that Milestone C and didn't mention it since I didn't know we were gonna split it in parts. Of course since I didn't mention that I started working on it you didn't know that you need to tell me that the plan is to split it up.

I'm ok with that. Also when I read your git workflow and assumed that we don't do partial commits, because the note in the task completion part. I understand now that the most important thing is that part about breaking the code, so no partial commits of the single functionality not the whole bunch like we have in one milestone.

Good thing about Milestone C is that most of the code is already done through Milestone B, so it isn't that big. I'll go into details about changed files and changed code in general when we finish with functionality review.
