FWeynschenk / ppBricks

Perfect Printable Bricks
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Tube offsets glitch #6

Closed VanessaE closed 1 year ago

VanessaE commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to calibrate my offsets and such, making a normal full height 4x4 brick, and have run into an issue...

If I set the tube inner offset to -0.06 or lower, the site throws an error, "(!) failed to render model", but without telling me what actually went wrong.

It will also throw that error if I set the tube *outer* offset to anything higher than +0.08.

Outer offset at 0.08 and inner at -0.04 works fine, but my printer and the filament I'm using for this calibration are themselves dialed-in very sharply, so even with those offsets, the resulting print is just a hair less snug compared to a "real" brick, when fitting another "real" brick into or between the printed brick's tubes (at least, when using PETG).


FWeynschenk commented 1 year ago

It should be fixed now!

Update broke a dependency on my backend. It was only returning models that were already rendered in the past...

(note to self, reinstall openscad snap remove openscad-nightly; snap install openscad-nightly after OS update)

VanessaE commented 1 year ago

Yep, it works now.