FX-Examples / FX-SaaS-Example-Project-1

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FX-Examples : ApiV1AlertsGetQueryParamEmptyValuePagesize #192

Open FX-Examples opened 6 years ago

FX-Examples commented 6 years ago

Project : FX-Examples

Job : Example_Project_1_Env

Env : Example_Project_1_Env

Region : FXLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=MGM3YzY3YzAtYTEzNy00Mzk3LWJmNzEtNDljYTllYmE1NmY4; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Sun, 02 Sep 2018 11:16:00 GMT]}

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Logs :
Assertion [@StatusCode != 404] passed, not expecting [404] and found [200]Assertion [@StatusCode != 500] passed, not expecting [500] and found [200]Assertion [@StatusCode != 401] passed, not expecting [401] and found [200]Assertion [@StatusCode != 200] failed, not expecting [200] but found [200] --- FX Bot ---

FX-Examples commented 6 years ago

Project : FX-Examples

Job : Example_Project_1_Env

Env : Example_Project_1_Env

Region : FXLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : pass

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=YTI0YTdmNmYtMjYzYi00ZWQ4LWFmZGUtYTU2YWVkMGNmYWVm; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 05 Sep 2018 10:49:14 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-09-05T10:49:15.363+0000", "errors" : false, "messages" : [ ], "data" : [ ], "totalPages" : 0, "totalElements" : 0 }

Logs :
Assertion [@StatusCode != 401] passed, not expecting [401] and found [200]Assertion [@StatusCode != 200] failed, not expecting [200] but found [200]Assertion [@StatusCode != 500] passed, not expecting [500] and found [200]Assertion [@StatusCode != 404] passed, not expecting [404] and found [200] --- FX Bot ---

FX-Examples commented 6 years ago

Project : FX-Examples

Job : Example_Project_1_Env

Env : Example_Project_1_Env

Region : FXLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=MzYyOTQ2ODYtYzZmOS00YzNlLThkYjktYjRmZjBmOTI4YjEw; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 06 Sep 2018 10:57:23 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-09-06T10:57:23.925+0000", "errors" : false, "messages" : [ ], "data" : [ ], "totalPages" : 0, "totalElements" : 0 }

Logs :
Assertion [@StatusCode != 404] passed, not expecting [404] and found [200]Assertion [@StatusCode != 500] passed, not expecting [500] and found [200]Assertion [@StatusCode != 401] passed, not expecting [401] and found [200]Assertion [@StatusCode != 200] failed, not expecting [200] but found [200] --- FX Bot ---

FX-Examples commented 6 years ago

Project : FX-Examples

Job : Example_Project_1_Env

Env : Example_Project_1_Env

Region : FXLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 500

Headers : {}

Endpoint :

Request :

Response :
I/O error on GET request for "": Timeout waiting for connection from pool; nested exception is org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException: Timeout waiting for connection from pool

Logs :
Assertion [@StatusCode != 404] passed, not expecting [404] and found [500]Assertion [@StatusCode != 500] failed, not expecting [500] but found [500]Assertion [@StatusCode != 401] passed, not expecting [401] and found [500]Assertion [@StatusCode != 200] passed, not expecting [200] and found [500] --- FX Bot ---