FX31337 / FX-Data-Convert-Action

:chart_with_upwards_trend:🐳Converts Forex historical data to different formats via GitHub Actions
MIT License
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New HCC version (502) #4

Open cgimenes opened 1 year ago

cgimenes commented 1 year ago

The HCC file format has a new version. I'm trying to update the script to support this new version, but I'm very slow as I don't know the process to identify common structures in the hex file :(

kenorb commented 1 year ago

Can you try this script: https://github.com/FX31337/FX-BT-Scripts/blob/master/mt_read.py?

diegoarizadev commented 7 months ago


The result is Invalid hcc type! , hcc is version 502.

PS C:\Users\user\OneDrive\Escritorio\FX-BT-Scripts-master> python.exe .\mt_read.py -i C:\Users\hack-\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\D0E8209F77C8CF3...\bases\AMPGlobalUSA-Demo\history\EPH24\2023.hcc -t hcc
Invalid type hcc!

is there a possibility to add the feature to read the hcc 502?
