FYJ95 / DSPMod

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Exception while picking a recipe #3

Open Shirkit opened 3 years ago

Shirkit commented 3 years ago


The game is throwing an error when selecting a recipe on an Assembler

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'FactorySystem.TakeBackItems_Assembler'.
at AssemblerVerticalConstruction.AssemblerVerticalConstruction.OnRecipePickerReturnPatch (UIAssemblerWindow) <0x00150>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) UIAssemblerWindow.DMD<UIAssemblerWindow..OnRecipePickerReturn> (UIAssemblerWindow,RecipeProto) <0x001ef>
at UIRecipePicker._OnClose () <0x0003e>
at ManualBehaviour._Close () <0x0003f>

Started when I first selected a processor, and now it's throwing everytime I select a recipe.

Running latest DSP and 18 mods. You can have the r2modman profile code here: D0JUjCaB9P


m-chandler commented 3 years ago

@Shirkit I think I've fixed it, will have to wait for @FYJ95 to merge and officially publish.

If you need a fix sooner (like me) and use r2modman you can place the DLL in this ZIP into the two locations listed below. Back up the old DLL first. Use at your own risk.

Also the paths below assume your profile is called Default, change as you need to. The file actually only needs to go to one of these directories, I just can't remember which.


%appdata%\r2modmanPlus-local\DysonSphereProgram\profiles\Default\BepInEx\plugins\57a103a40a4d4d7f-AssemblerVerticalConstruction %appdata%\r2modmanPlus-local\DysonSphereProgram\cache\57a103a40a4d4d7f-AssemblerVerticalConstruction\1.0.5

PlanBe01 commented 3 years ago

Confirmed issue (using less then 18 Mods), texting zip file fix.

PlanBe01 commented 3 years ago

Confirmed issue (using less then 18 Mods), texting zip file fix.

Confirmed after updating the profiles one it is not tossing errors.

Shirkit commented 3 years ago

Can confirm that @m-chandler hotfix works and solves the issue @FYJ95

Thank you!