After a bit work I was able to get a generic "blink.ino" sketch uploaded and running when using the Arudino IDE and the settings found here: and changing the upload address to 0x08010000 in the "" script. ( 0x08008000 doesn't work even when I use the newer bootloader, not sure why)
However when I upload the same code using platformio the program doesn't run after uploading. Here is my current is .ini file for platformio:
Does anyone have any tips to get the DFU upload working in plaformio for the S6? I assume I could use the same .ini which is used for the marlin build but I can't seem to figure out all the settings since many of the settings are found in separate scripts called by the ini file.
After a bit work I was able to get a generic "blink.ino" sketch uploaded and running when using the Arudino IDE and the settings found here: and changing the upload address to 0x08010000 in the "" script. ( 0x08008000 doesn't work even when I use the newer bootloader, not sure why)
However when I upload the same code using platformio the program doesn't run after uploading. Here is my current is .ini file for platformio:
[env:fysetc_s6] platform = ststm32 board = fysetc_s6 framework = arduino upload_protocol = dfu board_upload.offset_address = 0x8010000 build_flags = -D PIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ENABLE_CDC -Os
Does anyone have any tips to get the DFU upload working in plaformio for the S6? I assume I could use the same .ini which is used for the marlin build but I can't seem to figure out all the settings since many of the settings are found in separate scripts called by the ini file.
The output from the terminal during the upload:
CONFIGURATION: HARDWARE: STM32F446VET6 168MHz, 128KB RAM, 512KB Flash DEBUG: Current (blackmagic) External (blackmagic, cmsis-dap, jlink, stlink) PACKAGES:
section size addr
.isr_vector 452 134217728
.text 23744 134218180
.rodata 1880 134241924
.ARM.extab 0 134243804
.ARM 8 134243804
.preinit_array 0 134243812
.init_array 20 134243812
.fini_array 8 134243832
.data 540 536870912
.bss 3644 536871452
.noinit 0 536875096
._user_heap_stack 1536 536875096
.ARM.attributes 48 0
.comment 102 0
.debug_frame 1360 0
Total 33342