Database with efficiency parameters from public Heatpump Keymark datasets as well as parameter-sets and functions in order to simulate heat pumps (manufacturer+model or generic type)
I am using HPlib, the heat pump library. Do you have any copies of the references below to help me understand how heat pumps work?
Modelling and control of building heating systems with heat pumps - [Printed as Ms.]
[1] K. Schwamberger: „Modellbildung und Regelung von Gebäudeheizungsanlagen mit Wärmepumpen“, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, Fortschrittsberichte VDI Reihe 6 Nr. 263, 1991.-
I am using HPlib, the heat pump library. Do you have any copies of the references below to help me understand how heat pumps work?
Modelling and control of building heating systems with heat pumps - [Printed as Ms.]
[1] K. Schwamberger: „Modellbildung und Regelung von Gebäudeheizungsanlagen mit Wärmepumpen“, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, Fortschrittsberichte VDI Reihe 6 Nr. 263, 1991.-