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Suggestion to rename 'Related Regions' link #1445

Open SBludau opened 5 months ago

SBludau commented 5 months ago

Hi, I would suggest to use a different label for the "Related Regions" Link.

I would suggest using a different term than 'Related Regions', as it currently seems to imply (at least to me) that it lists related, similar, or interconnected regions. However, it "only" lists previous versions.


xgui3783 commented 5 months ago

I can certainly understad why the label "related regions" might cause confusion.

The (original) main purpose of related region was to show curated homologies (e.g. https://atlases.ebrains.eu/viewer/#/a:juelich:iav:atlas:v1.0.0:1/t:minds:core:referencespace:v1.0.0:dafcffc5-4826-4bf1-8ff6-46b8a31ff8e2/p:minds:core:parcellationatlas:v1.0.0:94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579-300/rn:9184c35/@:0.0.0.-W000.._eCwg.2-FUe3._-s_W.2_evlu..7LIy..0.14gY0~.14gY0..1LSm ). As such, the label "previous versions" would not be appropriate.

We will continue to discuss what might be an appropriate name, and if you have any suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments.