FabModules / fabmodules-html5

Fork of HTML5 Fab Modules by Neil Gershenfeld
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Use cts option with serial command for roland mill #36

Closed bartonmcguire closed 6 years ago

bartonmcguire commented 6 years ago

Hey gang -

Sorry for the lack of context here, I meant to open this up in my teams fork of this repo and accidentally opened it up here!

The suggestion to add DTR vs CTS as a setting seems like a great suggestion. And the change in the serial cables used must be why the Roland mill at my FabLab needed this updated setting... we must be using those older modified serial cables. I'll close this as a pull request, now that I understand its serial-cable dependent it definitely doesn't seem appropriate to always change to CTS. If I have the chance I'll open a new one that actually introduces the option (probably leaving the default at DTR though). In the meantime I'll open this PR again in our fork, which was my original intention 😜