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Sprint 6 Review #52

Open livbarton21 opened 5 years ago

livbarton21 commented 5 years ago
zhaojanelle commented 5 years ago

How did you & the sprint succeed? What was positive? Started on the forms for the patternbot.

How did you & the sprint fail? What was negative? I did not get as much done as I would have liked over the break as I was out of the country. I will have to do extra work this week to catch up.

AlexSpagnuolo commented 5 years ago

How did you & the sprint succeed? What was positive? More coding was completed. Banners and pattern descriptions were added.

How did you & the sprint fail? What was negative? Nothing really failed other than some complications with pull requests and missing code but it was all resolved. I enjoyed working on my own things over the reading week.

livbarton21 commented 5 years ago

How did you and the sprint succeed? What was positive? Everyone continued working together to complete the app.

How did you and the sprint fail? What was negative? I did not get as much work done over the break as I would have liked.