FabianHahn / fakeglib

A fake implementation of parts of the glib API in C++
MIT License
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Integration with Vala #1

Open Naheel-Azawy opened 4 years ago

Naheel-Azawy commented 4 years ago

This project seems so promising! It made me remember another project a messed with a while ago, posixvala, it aims to make Vala not use glib by providing some fake glib like what's happening here but that project seems to be dead long ago and it wasn't as serious as your project seems to be.

The question is, any plans for GObject? And will it be possible to use this thing with Vala in the future?

FabianHahn commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your interest in this project!

My main current use case for this library is within my game engine shoveler, so naturally the API coverage is driven by whatever I need there. As far as I understand, Vala shines mostly when dealing with gtk+ UIs since that is what GObject is most useful for, and I haven't needed that myself. In other words, I have no current plans to support GObject right now but that might change in the future if I find a use for it in my own projects.

Naheel-Azawy commented 4 years ago

Well, even though Vala is great for gtk, my point of looking at things like your project is to use vala far from gtk. My plan was to use it in things like embedded systems which won't really handle the real glib. Anyway, who knows, maybe plans change or maybe I get time to implement that myself in the future. Great project anyway!