FabianTerhorst / coreclr-module

Old alt:V CoreClr (.NET Core Common Language Runtime) community made module. New: https://github.com/altmp/coreclr-module
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AltEntitySync.Init sync rate issue (missing documentation?) #246

Closed TeubyDE closed 3 years ago

TeubyDE commented 3 years ago

When using AltEntitySync.Init i can't set the sync rate as described in multiple documentations/examples. What i am trying to do:

AltEntitySync.Init(1, 100, (threadId) => false,
               (threadCount, repository) => new ServerEventNetworkLayer(threadCount, repository),
               (entity, threadCount) => (entity.Id % threadCount),
               (entityId, entityType, threadCount) => (entityId % threadCount),
               (threadId) => new LimitedGrid3(50_000, 50_000, 100, 10_000, 10_000, 300),
               new IdProvider());

Documentation/examples i used: http://csharp.altv.mp/articles/entity-sync.html https://github.com/DasNiels/altv-object-streamer/ https://github.com/LameuleFR/altv-csharp-streamer

FabianTerhorst commented 3 years ago

Use the new docs. http://docs.altv.mp/