FabienFerrero / UCA_Board

Gerber Layout of the UCA board
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PCBWay isue #6

Open escyes opened 6 years ago

escyes commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much for sharing your work. I have tested your previous design with hopeful results regarding the efficiency of the antenna. I just requested samples of the current design by the method of requesting them directly to "PCB Way" and they have sent me the following:

For order W157029ASU2, please check attached pictures, the copper layers and soldermask layers format are not correct, you designed all of them as Raster, but we require line, smt pad and through hole formats, here attached other pictures about correct format for your reference

file issue correct format correct format-2 file issue-2 correct format-3

I would appreciate it if you confirmed the option added by the manufacturer.

Very thankful.

Enrique Sainz

FabienFerrero commented 6 years ago

Sorry for my late answer,

It's true that the file do not separate pads from line, but you can just answer to PCBway that this gerber files were already process as raster type and the results was ok.

Kind regards
