FabioZumbi12 / Sponge-RankUpper

Plugin to promote players based on requeriments
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 12 forks source link

People randomly ranking up #31

Closed infamyreloaded closed 5 years ago

infamyreloaded commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure if this in intentional or not. I use your plugin to rank up people when they get a certain amount of money. The problem is that they are auto ranking up when they have that much money. So if my rank 3 cost $4000 and that user has $5000 it will auto rank them up randomly. It's not that big of deal but I would prefer if they had to rankup by using the /ru check command.

Running version: RankUpper-4.0.2-b14-Universal.jar

This what the ranks look like. ` "2" {


        "adminpay {player} -10000",

        "lp user {player} parent add {newgroup}",

        "lp user {player} parent remove {oldgroup}",

        "give {player} minecraft:coal 32"

    message-broadcast="&6[&c&lTWC&6] &e&l{player} &6ranked up to level &e&l{newgroup}&6!"

    minecraft-statistics {





FabioZumbi12 commented 5 years ago

Added a feature on latest dev build to make thia an option.