FabioZumbi12 / Sponge-RankUpper

Plugin to promote players based on requeriments
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 12 forks source link

https://pastebin.com/d6g9Bat6[BUG] #35

Closed XMaxTheKillerX closed 5 years ago

XMaxTheKillerX commented 5 years ago

https://pastebin.com/d6g9Bat6 https://prnt.sc/n0pc5a

Hi Guys,

I am currently using this plugin with great fun! I get a lot of possitive feedback so props to you! but when I use the command /ru check underneath the playtime I get an error message. Can you maybe check it out.

Thanks in advance

FabioZumbi12 commented 5 years ago

What version of RU and build (the name of your ru .jar)

iMystxc commented 5 years ago

Also posting ur config will make it quicker in finding the problem, if it's a problem within the conf

FabioZumbi12 commented 5 years ago

Seems you have added an invalid statistic on statisics section. The log says getStatisticData.