FabioZumbi12 / UltimateChat

Ultimate and advanced Chat for Bukkit and Sponge
GNU General Public License v3.0
31 stars 32 forks source link

Sugestão UltimateChat #95

Closed PedroCavalcanti0001 closed 6 years ago

PedroCavalcanti0001 commented 6 years ago

==> Click on PREVIEW tab!

Fill all info below to help us to find the problem are you having or with your suggestion:

Before open an issue, checkout this steps:

Put if is the Spigot or Sponge version.
Plataform: Spigot

Inform your UltimateChat jar name like UltimateChat-Spigot-7.0.3.jar.
Jar version: UltimateChat-1.8.4-b141-Universal.jar

Your server Minecraft version
Minecraft version: 1.8

Issue or Suggestion?
What you want?: Suggestion

Descript your issue/Suggestion. If issue, use the site hastebin.com to put your error or console logs.

1° sugestão: Adicionar compatibilidade dos emojis do MinEmojis com o chat do plugin Uchat no discord!

2° Sugestão:

fazer com que o placeholdersAPI funcione no hover das tags, pois seria muito bom pra adicionar informações importantes sobre o jogador!

FabioZumbi12 commented 6 years ago

O 2 ja funciona. Enviar emojis pro dicord do MineEmojis depende do MineEmojis, que provavelmente n vai dar p adicionar isso.