FabricLabs / maki

:bento: declarative application framework for high-performance cross-platform services
MIT License
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Peer to Peer Framework #21

Open martindale opened 9 years ago

martindale commented 9 years ago

Maki-defined Services should be independent of a centralized host or authority.

See also gordonwritescode/cointract.me#41 and martindale/shipright#17.

martindale commented 9 years ago

gordonwritescode/coalescent seems like a very strong candidate for this. @gordonwritescode, do you have plans to implement a decentralized datastore?

martindale commented 8 years ago

Bumping this issue with regards to DATT. Hoping that much progress on this particular issue comes from this weekend's hackathon.

martindale commented 8 years ago

I've made significant progress towards an isomorphic messaging layer with WebRTC in @martindale/arty, but I'll need help from either @willricketts or @cjb to finish this.

willricketts commented 8 years ago

I'll dig into it tonight and see what I can come up with.