Closed FeelingBored closed 4 years ago
Field packetHandlers = NetworkState.class.getDeclaredField("field_20595");
Field HANDLER_STATE_MAP = NetworkState.class.getDeclaredField("field_11687");
Class<?> PacketHandler = Class.forName("net.minecraft.class_2539$class_4532");
Method register = PacketHandler.getMethod("method_22313", Class.class, Supplier.class);
The result excepted like this.
I assume this is for custom packets? Would a CustomPayloadS2CPacket
or CustomPayloadC2SPacket
suffice? The custom payload packets do have the advantage of not breaking vanilla clients (clients ignore packets they don't recognize).
Otherwise you could use an access widener (sadly we don't have a translation of this yet) to make the package-private PacketHandler
class visible in dev and runtime. Then use mixin to access the map (HANDLER_STATE_MAP
If you need to do reflection, I'd take a look at loader's mappings resolver to remap the names during runtime. (most likely inputting intermediary as namespace. And then intermediary names)
If you need to do reflection, I'd take a look at loader's mappings resolver to remap the names during runtime.
OK, Thanks you very much!!! I'm gonna to research the CustomPayloadS2CPacket and CustomPayloadC2SPacket that you told me. And try to read the "access widener" Thanks for your patient!: D
I did assign liach to this issue since he knows a bit more Chinese than I do to see if he can help. Hopefully he responds soon.
I did assign liach to this issue since he knows a bit more Chinese than I do to see if he can help. Hopefully he responds soon.
Hard to understand "access widener". What's the "namespace should match the mappings namespace of your mod's source code"?does it mean the main class?
Hard to understand"The file must start with the following header, namespace should match the mappings namespace of your mod's source code, this is usually named. Loom will remap the access widener file for you into intermediary along with your mod. If you use a custom RemapJarTask, set remapAccessWidener property on it to true to ensure this happens."
hope for some examples. x(
The following I got it, but still dont know how it works. examples excepted!plz!
And I try to replace the reflect param by myself and export the remapjar. and put it in the mods of server.
But it told me that
"[14:38:38] [main/INFO]: [STDERR]: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class net.miya.autologin.packet.PacketRegister can not access a member of class net.minecraft.class_2539$class_4532 with modifiers "public""
which make me confused and sad. :(
it works in the idea's task(runClient and runServer)
Did you remember to put the access widener in your fabric.mod.json
Did you remember to put the access widener in your
it works in the idea, but dont work without idea. If I need to make it both work with putting a "access widener" as AccessWideners?
I cannot understand
The file must start with the following header, namespace should match the mappings namespace of your mod's source code, this is usually named. Loom will remap the access widener file for you into intermediary along with your mod. If you use a custom RemapJarTask, set remapAccessWidener property on it to true to ensure this happens.
What does the "namespace should match the mappings namespace of your mod's source code" mean?
and "custom RemapJarTask" and "set remapAccessWidener property on it to true"
I want some examples. :( Thanks.
I dont know the "namespace" should write "net" or "net.miya.autologin" or else.
"custom RemapJarTask" I dont know what its"custom"mean.
and I dont know where to set the "remapAccessWidener property" to true.I cannot see anything in the Edit 'autologin[remapJar]'
The namespace refers to the mappings namespace. You would likely put named
in that field.
Change net
to named
The namespace refers to the mappings namespace. You would likely put
in that field.
does it mean "named" or the mod's id in "fabric.mod.json"?
like this?
Also, your class names should use slashes (/) instead of dots (.). So your other line should read:
Accessible class net/minecraft/network/NetworkState$NetworkHandler
Also, your class names should use slashes (/) instead of dots (.). So your other line should read:
Accessible class net/minecraft/network/NetworkState$NetworkHandler
OMG, sorry for my misunderstanding of the article. I think it means "replace / with . and replace $ with /" before. sorry.
Class names are separated with a / and not .
For inner classes, you should use $ instead of /
Also, your class names should use slashes (/) instead of dots (.). So your other line should read:
Accessible class net/minecraft/network/NetworkState$NetworkHandler
actually, I dont know what "access widener" does. I try to remap the reflect params by myself like this.
Field packetHandlers = NetworkState.class.getDeclaredField("field_20595");
Field HANDLER_STATE_MAP = NetworkState.class.getDeclaredField("field_11687");
Class<?> PacketHandler = Class.forName("net.minecraft.class_2539$class_4532");
Method register = PacketHandler.getMethod("method_22313", Class.class, Supplier.class);
And I aslo put the access widener in the fabric.mod.json... But how to solve this problem?… But it works on idea(runServer)
which made me confused. X(
The access widener makes the class public, so you shouldn't need to use reflection. Instead, once you've finished editing the access widener, refresh the gradle project in intellij, and run genSources
again, and you should be able to access the class normally from your code.
The access widener makes the class public, so you shouldn't need to use reflection. Instead, once you've finished editing the access widener, refresh the gradle project in intellij, and run
again, and you should be able to access the class normally from your code.
refresh the gradle project in intellij?do you mean restart the idea or execute the command "gradlew idea"?
I have refresh the project, and run task"genSources". But I dont know why can I access it... Is there anything wrong on me?
Which loom version are you using? (You can find it at the top of your build.gradle
Which loom version are you using? (You can find it at the top of your
id 'fabric-loom' version '0.4-SNAPSHOT'
Which loom version are you using? (You can find it at the top of your
I found where the problem is. "Accessible class net/minecraft/network/NetworkState$NetworkHandler" should be "Accessible class net/minecraft/network/NetworkState$PacketHandler"
SORRY FOR WASTING YOU MUCH TIME!!!! And thanks for your patient very much! ;-;
Which loom version are you using? (You can find it at the top of your
don't know what happen...suddenly. it cause failed to export the remapjar.
but after comment the "Accessible class net/minecraft/network/NetworkState$PacketHandler" and refresh project and gensources and uncomment the "Accessible class net/minecraft/network/NetworkState$PacketHandler" and refresh project and gensources.and remove the access code about "NetworkState.PacketHandler" and remapJar and readd the access code and works again(can export remapJar). It's very difficult to explain in my poor English.
Finally, I test it in local server, and it successfully work! And then, I try to move it to my remote server for testting.
Thanks you two very much! :) (would maybe meet some bugs.
I assume this is for custom packets? Would a
suffice? The custom payload packets do have the advantage of not breaking vanilla clients (clients ignore packets they don't recognize).Otherwise you could use an access widener (sadly we don't have a translation of this yet) to make the package-private
class visible in dev and runtime. Then use mixin to access the map (HANDLER_STATE_MAP
the HANDLER_STATE_MAP in NetworkState doesn't inited.
`@Mixin(NetworkState.class) public class MixinNetworkState { @Shadow public static Map<Class<? extends Packet<?>>, NetworkState> HANDLER_STATE_MAP;
private Map<NetworkSide, ? extends NetworkState.PacketHandler<?>> packetHandlers;
@Inject(at = @At("TAIL"), method = "<init>")
private void init(String a, int b, int id, NetworkState.PacketHandlerInitializer packetHandlerInitializer, CallbackInfo info){
PacketRegister.handlers_map.put(this, packetHandlers);
it print "null". And I try to inject the method "\<clinit>" which I search in the Module and Package Names but it dont work(no printing) I dont how to do now....
related code imgs.
//反射 Field packetHandlers = NetworkState.class.getDeclaredField("packetHandlers"); Field HANDLER_STATE_MAP = NetworkState.class.getDeclaredField("HANDLER_STATE_MAP"); Class<?> PacketHandler = Class.forName("$PacketHandler"); Method register = PacketHandler.getMethod("register", Class.class, Supplier.class);
String namespace = "intermediary"; // 别的不可靠
MappingResolver resolver = FabricLoader.getInstance().getMappingResolver();
Field packetHandlers = NetworkState.class.getDeclaredField(resolver.mapFieldName(namespace, "net/minecraft/class_2539", "field_20595", "Ljava/util/Map;"));
Field HANDLER_STATE_MAP = NetworkState.class.getDeclaredField(resolver.mapFieldName(namespace, "net/minecraft/class_2539", "field_11687", "Ljava/util/Map;"));
Class<?> PacketHandler = Class.forName(resolver.mapClassName(namespace, "net/minecraft/class_2539$class_4532"));
Method register = PacketHandler.getMethod(resolver.mapClassName(namespace, "net/minecraft/class_2539$class_4532", "method_22313", "(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2539$class_4532;"), Class.class, Supplier.class);
//反射 Field packetHandlers = NetworkState.class.getDeclaredField("packetHandlers"); Field HANDLER_STATE_MAP = NetworkState.class.getDeclaredField("HANDLER_STATE_MAP"); Class<?> PacketHandler = Class.forName("$PacketHandler"); Method register = PacketHandler.getMethod("register", Class.class, Supplier.class);
//反射 String namespace = "intermediary"; // 别的不可靠 MappingResolver resolver = FabricLoader.getInstance().getMappingResolver(); Field packetHandlers = NetworkState.class.getDeclaredField(resolver.mapFieldName(namespace, "net/minecraft/class_2539", "field_20595", "Ljava/util/Map;")); Field HANDLER_STATE_MAP = NetworkState.class.getDeclaredField(resolver.mapFieldName(namespace, "net/minecraft/class_2539", "field_11687", "Ljava/util/Map;")); Class<?> PacketHandler = Class.forName(resolver.mapClassName(namespace, "net/minecraft/class_2539$class_4532")); Method register = PacketHandler.getMethod(resolver.mapClassName(namespace, "net/minecraft/class_2539$class_4532", "method_22313", "(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2539$class_4532;"), Class.class, Supplier.class);
现在我已经按照上面两位的指导,去研究相关的wiki了。 但是我刚刚发的使用mixin获取里面的属性失败的情况让我很头疼…不知如何是好了…如果是reflection应该很容易就做到吧,但这似乎是不被推荐做的。
你这个的话我个人推荐发这种包,可以在玩家进服务器之前验证 你用mixin是加注代码,而Mixin有accessor可以让你写个interface然后呼叫interface,mixin运行时打补丁
你这个的话我个人推荐发这种包,可以在玩家进服务器之前验证 你用mixin是加注代码,而Mixin有accessor可以让你写个interface然后呼叫interface,mixin运行时打补丁
好的,感谢你的帮助!以后会考虑去这么做的,现在的我还没这个能力去做这个事情(刚开始接触这方面的东西)。 如果可以的话,可以帮我看看半个小时前发的Comment吗?
你那个应该直接传递原来的packetHandlers map,这样保证是同一个object兼容性更好 如果那个map是immutable map你就mixin里面写个static block,比如
static {
packetHandlers = new HashMap<>(packetHandlers);
I assume this is for custom packets? Would a
suffice? The custom payload packets do have the advantage of not breaking vanilla clients (clients ignore packets they don't recognize). Otherwise you could use an access widener (sadly we don't have a translation of this yet) to make the package-privatePacketHandler
class visible in dev and runtime. Then use mixin to access the map (HANDLER_STATE_MAP
).the HANDLER_STATE_MAP in NetworkState doesn't inited.
`@Mixin(NetworkState.class) public class MixinNetworkState { @shadow public static Map
, NetworkState> HANDLER_STATE_MAP; @Shadow private Map<NetworkSide, ? extends NetworkState.PacketHandler<?>> packetHandlers; @Inject(at = @At("TAIL"), method = "<init>") private void init(String a, int b, int id, NetworkState.PacketHandlerInitializer packetHandlerInitializer, CallbackInfo info){ PacketRegister.HANDLER_STATE_MAP = HANDLER_STATE_MAP; PacketRegister.handlers_map.put(this, packetHandlers); }
it print "null". And I try to inject the method "
" which I search in the Module and Package Names but it dont work(no printing) I dont how to do now....
你那个应该直接传递原来的packetHandlers map,这样保证是同一个object兼容性更好 如果那个map是immutable map你就mixin里面写个static block,比如
static { packetHandlers = new HashMap<>(packetHandlers); }
你那个应该直接传递原来的packetHandlers map,这样保证是同一个object兼容性更好 如果那个map是immutable map你就mixin里面写个static block,比如
static { packetHandlers = new HashMap<>(packetHandlers); }
我是通过一个Map,去储存它们的packetHandlers,Key是NetworkState,Value是Map<NetworkSide, ? extends NetworkState.PacketHandler<?>>,也就是PacketHandlers的变量类型
你这个的话我个人推荐发这种包,可以在玩家进服务器之前验证 你用mixin是加注代码,而Mixin有accessor可以让你写个interface然后呼叫interface,mixin运行时打补丁
我好像在API里面找到了,但之前我使用Ctrl + Shift + F搜索全局根本就搜不出来,奇怪…… 今天去把API里的mixin都看一遍吧
Hard to understand why.Cast it to Object and Cast the Object to Accessor.
一般如果是final class的话不能直接cast成accessor interface,不是final class的话可以直接cast 如果mixin是class别cast,运行时会炸
一般如果是final class的话不能直接cast成accessor interface,不是final class的话可以直接cast 如果mixin是class别cast,运行时会炸
那个 MixinNetworkStateAccess 是Interface。 那个NetworkState是public enum NetworkState,但我大概知道为什么了,既然告诉我final不可以直接cast的话。 那将它cast为Object之后,然后再将它cast为MixinNetworkStateAccess这样是可以的吗?(至少成功了) 相关代码
另外我很模糊地明白了为什么那个HANDLER_STATE_MAP为什么是null了,这应该涉及到java自身的加载机制吧?因为我在调用那个register method的时候,他从register method暂时中断,然后跳到NetworkState那边进行初始化它的enum(如PLAY),然后再回来继续执行 register method。
总之很感谢你耐心的回答!:) 我还得继续研究下去。
本来是想在PacketRegister那边弄个静态代码块来加载的,网上说了在静态成员被调用的时候就会调用静态代码块,但很遗憾虽然这块代码运行了,但是NetworkState注入的静态代码块不认账,仍然是null 然后我将他挪到了我的Mod入口方法,总算是成功了(成功拿到了Instance),虽然不理解到底为什么。
你下次考虑代码发github gist吧,别截图了……你能发图就能发github gist,githubusercontent国内不是已经墙了 :sweat:
mixin把mixin class里面的static block东西加到原来class的<clinit>
你下次考虑代码发github gist吧,别截图了……你能发图就能发github gist,githubusercontent国内不是已经墙了 😓 mixin把mixin class里面的static block东西加到原来class的
我先将 static block重新改为inject注入看看(得到了一样的结果,具体细节在上面的gist地址里,果然还是需要在入口那边进行获取,只是把一样的代码移个位置效果就不一样了)
哦,你这个循环呼叫了 加载NetworkState的时候呼叫了你的PacketRegister,而你的PacketRegister以为NetworkState已经跑完
你的意思是指只保留一个“把NetworkState的map放到PacketRegister里面”的部分吗? 大概了解你的意思了,确实这样搞的话编译器也很烦恼要怎么做。
成功了!真的是太感谢你了! 按照着上面你们三位指导我的做法,我将注入NetworkState部分的代码全删了,用Accessor代替获取Handlers。 成功的代码 总感觉对这方面的理解稍为更进一步了,真的十分感谢你们!:) (学到和认识了好多新东西,Accessor,access widener,以及Ctrl + Shift + F全局搜索原来要下载源码文件才能搜到…之前不会注入的时候,就靠这个搜例子…但因为没有下载源码的原因,几乎搜不到几个)
everything was remaped but the reflect params.
I have search on the fabric wiki(zh-cn) but got little message about that.
I want to make it remaped, but dont know how to do. I know I can got the remaped name on the "yarn", but I guess that if I remap it by myself, it would not work in the idea's "runClient". But I dont remap it, it cannot work but in the idea's "runClient" and "runServer".
Sorry for my poor English, Can anyone help me, please? Thanks. :)