Fabricators-of-Create / Create

[Fabric Mod] Building Tools and Aesthetic Technology
MIT License
827 stars 185 forks source link

Singleplayer - Failed to connect to server: unexpected custom data from client. #1448

Closed 6adawy closed 2 weeks ago

6adawy commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the Bug

When using the mod, it fails to create new singleplayer worlds or load existing ones giving me the error "Failed to connect to server: unexpected custom data from client"

Reproduction Steps

  1. Installing mentioned mods
  2. Adding Create
  3. Load a singleplayer world ...

Expected Result

Failed to connect to server: unexpected custom data from client

Screenshots and Videos

1139705134_ScreenShot2020-04-08at8_24_42PM png f13e8d5419412f71429ec00c225e3891

Crash Report or Log


Operating System

Windows 11

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Other Mods

Additional Context

All worlds load perfectly fine with the same mod configuration when Create and all its addons are removed. Tested with just Create and no addons and the same issue persists. Removing Create solves this issue, could be a compatibility issue.

mogibesf commented 2 weeks ago

it's problem with Hephaestus. Waiting for the fix