Fabricators-of-Create / Create

[Fabric Mod] Building Tools and Aesthetic Technology
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Dedicated server not connecting at all #182

Closed Syncinus closed 2 years ago

Syncinus commented 2 years ago

Describe the Bug

I have made a dedicated server and a client with just the Create mod, it seems that with it I am unable to connect to the server, however if I remove the Create mod from both I am able to connect to the server (and with any of the other mods I use). I am on the latest build 0.4.0d+254

I see no errors on either side and I do in fact connect, however as soon as I connect I am immediately disconnected.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Set up a dedicated server with Fabric API and Create
  2. Make a client instance with Fabric API and Create
  3. Join the server (an easy way to do this without port forwarding is to use ngrok https://ngrok.com/)
  4. The client should go through all steps up to "Joining world.." until it abruptluy goes to a screen saying "Connection Lost"

Expected Result

I am able to properly connect to the server and play.

Screenshots and Videos


Crash Report or Log

Server: https://pastebin.com/0g72W6NH Client: https://pastebin.com/B3matCTZ

Operating System

Linux (NixOS)

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Other Mods

Fabric API 0.46.4+1.18 (server & client)

Additional Context

No response

TropheusJ commented 2 years ago

Please install WDMNF on both server and client, try again, and send both new logs.

Syncinus commented 2 years ago

Okay it appears the 1.17 version worked (probably because 1.18.1 still uses Log4J but 1.18.2 uses SLF4J) so here are the server and client logs:

Updated server log: https://pastebin.com/4dTzMY2q Update client log: https://controlc.com/3ab1eaa8 (pastebin kept deleting my log for some reason)

Polarite commented 2 years ago

still happening with latest build

Syncinus commented 2 years ago

OK I have manually built from source (I am trying to make a PR to fix this)

Here is a better quality (non-obfuscated) log of the error: https://pastebin.com/h5HgBHV2

TropheusJ commented 2 years ago

potential_fix.zip This jar has a modified port lib jar. Add this to your mods on client and server and test. This will be broken in many other ways, I removed some possibly problematic code, so don't use it on anything important. Provide logs after.

Syncinus commented 2 years ago

Okay I think I got it to be the used porting_lib (I am using modImplementation files("../porting_lib-0.2.0-interfacent+1.18-interfacent.cfd1087.jar") to import it and I am doing a custom build off of the source). I still can not connect, here is the log it is giving me: https://pastebin.com/PjVXs9GW

TropheusJ commented 2 years ago

can you provide a full log?

Syncinus commented 2 years ago

Client: https://pastebin.com/NrhSL5w4 Server: https://pastebin.com/nmTXxH0u (Server has online-mode turned off so I can connect to it to the local project)

DirtyNative commented 2 years ago

This exact same thing happens to me as well. Any news here?

TropheusJ commented 2 years ago

this might be related to #194, but I have zero ideas for either issue.

DirtyNative commented 2 years ago

Well I can tell this happens on a new fabric server, only the Fabric Api and create mod installed. When I create a singleplayer world, it works as expected.

DirtyNative commented 2 years ago

A little addition: The same error occurs, when only the client has the mod installed and it's trying to connect to the server. I would expect a mod mismatch error, but instead the client disconnects immediately. Maybe this helps finding a solution

TropheusJ commented 2 years ago

This appears to be a local server issue only: #213

StockiesLad commented 2 years ago

Add Priority to this thread because this is a fairly serious issue

Kevinello commented 2 years ago

have the same issue on my create-mod-only server as well

drakes00 commented 2 years ago

This appears to be a local server issue only: #213

I don't think it is only localhost server issue. I have the same problem with my client being on my laptop and the create server being on a dedicated station.

TropheusJ commented 2 years ago

Is it on the same network as the client?

Kevinello commented 2 years ago

Is it on the same network as the client?

nope my mc server is deployed on my cloud server with a public IP

TropheusJ commented 2 years ago

Client: https://pastebin.com/NrhSL5w4 Server: https://pastebin.com/nmTXxH0u (Server has online-mode turned off so I can connect to it to the local project)

This client log has been removed, can someone provide a new one?

drakes00 commented 2 years ago

Is it on the same network as the client?

nope my mc server is deployed on my cloud server with a public IP

Same here

potential_fix.zip This jar has a modified port lib jar. Add this to your mods on client and server and test. This will be broken in many other ways, I removed some possibly problematic code, so don't use it on anything important. Provide logs after.

Currently not tested with this fix BTW, should it be used?

TropheusJ commented 2 years ago

It probably won’t matter but there’s no harm in it

drakes00 commented 2 years ago

I'm having issues launching with WDMNF, is it a mod you drop in the 'mods' folder?

Yes. Make sure you use the 1.17 version.

My bad, going to

TropheusJ commented 2 years ago

Yes. Make sure you use the 1.17 version.

drakes00 commented 2 years ago

Client: https://pastebin.com/NrhSL5w4 Server: https://pastebin.com/nmTXxH0u (Server has online-mode turned off so I can connect to it to the local project)

This client log has been removed, can someone provide a new one?

Okay, personally I barely got any special logs, hope it helps :( Server: https://gist.github.com/drakes00/8921120361ab86e0ab0d775356d2c0b3 Client: https://gist.github.com/drakes00/5814767c03531fa992311ba64ec9e44a

I'm surprised I didn't got the special character related error someone had up there

Blightbuster commented 2 years ago

Is there anything needed to assist with solving this issue?

drakes00 commented 2 years ago

Is there anything needed to assist with solving this issue?

I personally have no idea on how to solve this but I can help providing feedback if it helps :(

StockiesLad commented 2 years ago

I'm inclined to believe that create (when on the server) possibly doesn't register probably like 1 line of code correctly and doesn't sync correctly or another way around. Or perhaps a remnant piece of code was leftover from an old syncing system and interferes with server-client compatibility. My idea is that there is no syncing because maybe 1 block doesn't register in either the client or the server and due to undeveloped logging, it is impossible to find what block/entity is causing the issue. Idk I'm just throwing out random ideas to see if it might help to solve this issue.

DirtyNative commented 2 years ago

I am using the Build 441 now, because I have read that this is the most stable one. It works for me, also with connecting to the server. Maybe this helps finding the problem

Blightbuster commented 2 years ago

I narrowed the issue down to a commit after e4c7c73 up to b5fc151 in Porting-Lib.