Fabricators-of-Create / Create

[Fabric Mod] Building Tools and Aesthetic Technology
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Fluid tank crash #248

Closed eszdman closed 2 years ago

eszdman commented 2 years ago

Describe the Bug

When I tried to fill fluid tank using create mechanism's I got this crash log.

Reproduction Steps

1.Create lava pump using create and connect it directly to fluid tank. 2.Try to change pump directions 3.Wait until it filled or empty

Expected Result

Expected working fluid system

Screenshots and Videos

2022-04-16_17 25 56

Pipe should be instead of air.

Crash Report or Log


Operating System

Windows 10 x64

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Other Mods

No response

Additional Context


digitaltrucker commented 2 years ago

Have you tried the latest build? I'm running a lava pumping station with no problems using build 503. The only difference between my system and yours is my storage tank is in the overworld.

eszdman commented 2 years ago

Same problem on build 504

eszdman commented 2 years ago

Trying firstly to fill it and then retract 2022-04-16_20 02 30

digitaltrucker commented 2 years ago

I just reproduced the crash also.

1: Fill the tank 2: Retract the hose pulley 3: Reverse pump's direction 4: Lower the hose pulley again 5: Crash.


digitaltrucker commented 2 years ago

It has to do with the hose pulleys, I think. I just tried to empty an aquifer with just two hose pulleys and a pump and it crashed.

TropheusJ commented 2 years ago

Can't reproduce with these steps. Can I get a video of the process?

anim4trix commented 2 years ago


digitaltrucker commented 2 years ago

Just using a wrench to reverse the pump's direction while pumping triggers the crash for me.

TropheusJ commented 2 years ago

re-created video exactly, does not occur. Make sure you're on the latest build (510 as of writing). Since earlier versions had this issue, this might be residual messed up data. Do not test this on a pre-existing network; build a new one.

digitaltrucker experienced a different crash which has since been fixed, that may also be what's happening here.

digitaltrucker commented 2 years ago

Odd. With Build 520 I did a quick test and the game crashed when I reversed the flow. I was able to reload the world (an improvement) and wasn't able to get it to crash again. So it's working good sorta? Most of the time? I don't know...

Crash log: https://pastebin.com/FCbQaMLf 2022-04-26_20 22 57

digitaltrucker commented 2 years ago

Still crashy with latest build and latest Fabric loader. Can't reload the crashed world either.


digitaltrucker commented 2 years ago

Using Build 534. No more crashing, but fluid tanks fail to resume filling or emptying when reloading a single-player save. Reversing the pump's direction does nothing. Can only be fixed by breaking and replacing the fluid tanks, then everything works fine until the next save/quit/reload. I think the issue was present before but crashiness prevented me from really investigating.

TropheusJ commented 2 years ago

can't reproduce. Break and replace all of the network. If it persists open a separate issue