Fabricators-of-Create / Create

[Fabric Mod] Building Tools and Aesthetic Technology
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Flywheel occasionally causes broken contraption lighting #468

Open fizziy opened 1 year ago

fizziy commented 1 year ago

Describe the Bug

(Newest fabric beta, so sorry if this is known already) When train is in movement the train seems to get dark visually, and even sometimes when stopped. acts similar to if there was a platform above the train, casting a shadow. flipping a trapdoor updates lighting, but if it starts moving again it continues it. image

Reproduction Steps

  1. build a train

  2. try to ride it

Expected Result

I expected it not to have shadows

Screenshots and Videos


Crash Report or Log

No response

Operating System

Windows 11

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Other Mods






Fabric API


LambDynamicLights (possible cause of issue?)







Additional Context

No response

fizziy commented 1 year ago

Id like to update, the dynamic lighting mod was not causing the problem

Sheep7798 commented 1 year ago

Try starlight mod

fizziy commented 1 year ago

ive heard that mod is good, but will it be fixed or is it a mc problem?

JieningYu commented 1 year ago

Probably a mc bug

RedWideWeb commented 1 year ago

ive heard that mod is good, but will it be fixed or is it a mc problem?

You just have no idea HOW BAD Minecraft lighting engine is. It’s totally Minecraft issue

fizziy commented 1 year ago

ive heard that mod is good, but will it be fixed or is it a mc problem?

You just have no idea HOW BAD Minecraft lighting engine is. It’s totally Minecraft issue

makes sense, i tried the mod and it still didnt fix it tho

TropheusJ commented 1 year ago

what if the train is moved somewhere else? what if flywheel is disabled with /flywheel engine off?

ghost commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem... have yall been able to fix it?

ghost commented 1 year ago

The problem was the flywheel engine... however disabling it causes a massive drop in fps when close to the train

pastellexists commented 1 year ago

I've had a similar problem, it seems inconsistent and may have something to do with the actual composition of the train. Some trains seem to have the problem, some don't. I haven't been able to work out what the common factor is, if there is one.

pastellexists commented 1 year ago

Update: this problem is definitely present on v0.5.0.i-1003+1.19.2. As with ghost above, disabling the Flywheel renderer fixes it, but of course, rendering trains and other contraptions without it is pretty untenable.

James103 commented 3 weeks ago

Have you tried increasing the value of maxContraptionLightVolume to a high value, such as 9999999?

From checking the code, it appears if the volume of the bounding box of a Create contraption exceeds the value of maxContraptionLightVolume, the contraption's lighting is not updated, causing artifacts as shown in previous posts.

The default value of 16384 works for small contraptions, but even contraptions containing less than 100 blocks can exceed this limit if the blocks extend in a line out from the anchor (minecart, gantry shaft, etc). The value 9999999 should be sufficient for any contraption with a size less than 80 blocks on its longest axis.